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Journal Entry#9

This week we are working on a new logo for a life counseling company named “Love to the people” and worked together to get as many ideas as we could. They taught me that the first ideas are sometimes the most common but they help you build on other ideas. In other words you have to get them out of your head in order for you to design something better. A good example of this was when giving the name of the company we each though we should have a heart in the logo. Being that this was our first idea we had to push further to think of what else can represent “love” without showing a heart that is so literal. We also said that maybe a heart is the right way to go but it had to be completely different from all the other hearts that are used in different logos. The thought process was really good because I got to see and hear how they come up with different ideas and the reason something wouldn’t work. After sketching and brain storming we started to design on illustrator. The design process took a few days and we narrowed down our selection to the design that best represented the over all message. I had many good ideas but they made me refine them because I tend to put many details into the logo which can get lost when its resized. The lesson of the week for me was “less is more” when designing a logo. The internship is going well, and I like how they take the time to explain things to me and show me how I can make it better.

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