unphotographable moment #3 Noelle Weinmeier

This is a picture I did not take of a broken hearted girl walk down the street away from the love of her life. Her big blue eyes now became filled with tears as she stomped away from the man in the black coat. Her blonde perfectly straight hair blew in the wind on this chilly fall night. He watched her go, I saw him from a distance with his hands in his pockets and no words to speak.

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unphotographable moment #2 Noelle Weinmeier

My camera was unable to catch the scene of a beautiful, monarch butterfly land on my leg. The fall she took was so graceful, her orange wings, with the black outline and the little black dots scooped down and chose me, of all places to rest.

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unphotographable moment #1 Noelle Weinmeier

This is not a photo I took of my little cousin eating ice cream, the choclate ice cream dripped down the napkin and stuck to her cheeks. The rainbow sprinkles stuck to the ice cream that was like glue on her face. As my aunt went to run at her with a napkin, she stopped herself because to a baby, that was her hapiness.

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unphotographable moment #2 Val Yepes

This is a picture I did not take of a customer, he had one light blue eye. I was nervous around him at first, I didnt know how to exactly act and definatley didnt want to be rude and look at his blind eye. He later came back to pick up his food. We had a great conversation, about many things. His love for music, and his dad, and his job.  Then I felt his eyes drawing me closer to him, his eyes were beautiful.

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unphotographable moment #1 Val Yepes

This is a picture I did not take of a man begging for money in the train, telling everyone about his children and poverty… After no one had given him any change whatsoever, he then cursed out the whole train.

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Unphotograpable Moment #2 Stefon Gordon

This is a picture that I did not take of my rabbit playing with a dried leaf. He holds the leaf in his small mouth as he runs around the yard. He puts down the leaf to clean his paw and the leaf comes to life with the help of the wind. The rabbit has more fun with the leaf than ever before as he runs after it. Then the wind blows the leaf out the gate and he stops. He sits at the gate as his new friend blows away, never to return.

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Unphotograpable Moment #1 Stefon Gordon

This is a picture that I did not take of a young girl walking here small white dog. The dog spots a larger dog about 100 feet away and start running to it. This dog was two time the size of the young women’s dog. The women yell at the dog telling him to stop but he keeps running and barking. Then the bigger dog lets out a bark so loud, so strong that the smaller dog stops in his tracks and start running to the women in pure fright.

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Unphotograpable Moment #3 Ross Barnes

This is a picture I did not take of a group of teenagers at a movie theater just getting out of a movie, trying to decide what to watch next before a security gaurd came and asked them if they needed help. They all lie and say they are just leaving, only to sneak into another movie while the security gaurds back is turned.

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Unphotographable Moment #3- Raveena Bahadur

My camera was not able to catch the scene of the little boy’s tear filled eyes as he watched the waves crashing into his fully built sand castle.

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Unphotograpable Moment #2 Ross Barnes

This is a picture that I did not take of a baby crawling towards the end of a seat almost falling before her mother caught her, only for her to do it again just for fun.

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