unphotographable moment # 2

While on the train heading to school I saw a pet owner with two enormous dogs, their sizes were so gigantic that it scared everyone on the train. I wish i had a camera. They looked like Cyberus without the second head and smelled like manure.

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Nicolas Rodriguez 3 unphotographable moments

                                         Unpotographable moment 1

         This is a  moment I was unable to photograph. As I am going home on the train one wednsday on board arrives an elderly women wearing a green dress with floral paterns on it, and a pink striped shirt. As the train moves from stop to stop she begins preaching about God and Jesus. Even though her preaches fell on deaf ears she continued to speak about God and the bible claiming to try and save use from evil. After many stops she gets of the train and stops all her preaching.



                              Unphotographable moment 2

              This is a moment I was unable to photograph. As I was walking home from the park around the middle of the park where there are the fountains are two people, one little boy ,and an elder man who appeared to be in his thirties. They were demonstrating impressive break dancing, doing things which seem physically impossible. Quickly a huge crowd takes form witnessing the talents of these two. They begin to spin around, perform amazing flips. and show feats of strength as one starts to spin around by his head and perform flips using one hand.


                                Unphotographable moment 3

              This is a moment I was unable to photograph. It is a rainy day one as I am going to class. While waiting  for the bus there is a man dressed in dark blue colors wearing thick glasses. Water is pouring down into the subway because of the rain which appears like a miniature waterfall. The man shuting his eyes stands underneath the crashing cold water. Everyone else stops to stare and take pictures of this insane gesture. The man with his arms spread out stands still and calm as all the water pours onto him.

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Unphotographable Moment #3

This is a picture I could not take of a group of people jet skiing in the East River. As they rode along, they approached an abandon dock that streched out pretty far into the river. This dock happened to be populated by close to one hundred seagulls, so as the loud jet skis got closer to the dock, the birds got scared and all took off towards land. This caused all the seagulls to swarm over the dock I was on, looking for a place to land.

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Uphotographable Moment #2

This is a photo I could not take of a sunset over a bay while I was on vacation. As the sun got closer to the horizon, the clouds in the sky turned pink. The pink clouds in the blue sky looked exactly like cotton candy. Unfortunately this beautiful sight didn’t last long as the sun fell quickly in the sky.

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Unphotograpable Moment #3 Stefon Gordon

This is a picture that I did not take of a colorful and beautiful light show. It started with a light blue, then in a matter of minutes that one blue turn into shades of violent reds and warm purples. The show last about 15 minutes but when you’re with someone specials it can last longer. As the street lights turn on the screen goes black, but not for long part two starts in the morning

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Unphotographable Moment #1

This is a picture I could not take of a women I saw on the train today coming home from work. As I stepped onto the extremely packed train, she was bustling through the crowd. I took her movement as her effort to exit the train but as I stepped out of her way to let her off she stopped moving and stood in the center of the train. A man then offered her space to hold on to one of the poles on the train but she declined in somewhat of fear. It then clicked in my head that she had some sort of germ phobia because when the train started moving she stood in the center of the train with her eyes closed trying to calm her breathing while also trying to keep her balance.

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unphotographable moment #3 Alex Cooper

This is a photo I could not take. I was at six flags on the “Nitro” roller coaster. We approached the first drop and as we were halfway down it, I seen a cellphone in the air going toward the back of the coaster. When we got off the ride, we seen a guy walk from the back of the coaster holding a cellphone. He noticed the girl who had lost the phone through the conversation she was having. He handed it to her and she was surprised, almost as if what he did was impossible. She thanked him and continued to the exit.

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unphotographable moment #2 Alex Cooper

This is a picture I could not take as I was driving home from the train station and quickly came to a complete stop in the road. I looked out my window and seen a young male running across the street, being chased by a police officer. The young male crossed the street and there was a nearby parking lot. He began to run toward it. In front of the parking lot was a low guard rail. The young male quickly attempted to jump over the rail. Fortunately, he tripped over the rail and fell on the concrete. He laid there as he waited for the police officer to arrest him.

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unphotographable moment #1 Alex Cooper

This is a photo that I could not take. My family and I were shopping on 42nd street. We stopped at a store for a short while. As we left the store, I led the way out the door. I looked over my right shoulder to notice a cowboy holding a guitar. This was no ordinary cowboy. This cowboy wore no clothes except for boxer briefs, his cowboy hat and his boots.   As soon as I noticed him, he was walking around the corner and left the street.

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unphotographable moment #1

This is a picture that I did not take of a lady waiting by my side for the J train she is with her  daughter no older then two years, having laughts and enjoying the time they have together. Then the train arrives I let her step in first and then i go to take a seat, when i take a seat I realized the lady with daughter are homeless she take out a piece of cardboard that says please help me with some money I lost my job and i cant feed my child im homeless. I stand up and i give her some money she say thank you with a big smile as well as her daughter smiles at me too as she walks away Her daughter holds her tight while the mother trys to get more support to live an other day……

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