Monthly Archives: August 2012

Unphotograpable Moment #2 Stefon Gordon

This is a picture that I did not take of my rabbit playing with a dried leaf. He holds the leaf in his small mouth as he runs around the yard. He puts down the leaf to clean his paw … Continue reading

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Unphotograpable Moment #1 Stefon Gordon

This is a picture that I did not take of a young girl walking here small white dog. The dog spots a larger dog about 100 feet away and start running to it. This dog was two time the size … Continue reading

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Unphotograpable Moment #3 Ross Barnes

This is a picture I did not take of a group of teenagers at a movie theater just getting out of a movie, trying to decide what to watch next before a security gaurd came and asked them if they … Continue reading

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Unphotographable Moment #3- Raveena Bahadur

My camera was not able to catch the scene of the little boy’s tear filled eyes as he watched the waves crashing into his fully built sand castle.

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Unphotograpable Moment #2 Ross Barnes

This is a picture that I did not take of a baby crawling towards the end of a seat almost falling before her mother caught her, only for her to do it again just for fun.

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Unphotograpable Moment #1 Ross Barnes

This is a picture I did not take of a woman smoking a cigarette, and drinking while sitting on the side walk counting her dollar bills like they were going out of style. Like the alcohol and cigarettes were free.

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Unphotographable Moment #2- Raveena Bahadur

My camera was not able to catch the scene of the student who just passed her finals; having the widest smile on her face and jumping up in the air; with everyone walking past her giving her weird looks.

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Unphotographable Moment #1- Raveena Bahadur

My camera was not able to catch the scene of the baby whose cheeks turned tomato red crying because she was hungry.

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Stalin Lozado unphotographical #3

This is a picture i did not take of a construction site where there was a building being built and i noticed that the work was geting done but the workers and the people run the building seemed to be … Continue reading

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Stalin Lozado unphotographical #2

This is a picture i did not take of a wrecked house. This house was a very old house which looked to be made of blocks that were barely holding on two a couple of columns on the sides. i … Continue reading

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