Riverside Lightshow


Riverside lightshow

Riverside Lightshow, 2014, Ariel Dominguez

I took this photo during a night stroll around my neighborhood that took me to the top floor of the Gateway Center mall in the Bronx. The photo shows a busy highway with cars zipping by and lights of streetlamps from apartments buildings off in the distance. I took this photo because I noticed a gaping light in the clouds above from where I think the Empire State Building stands. It also shocked me that I could see the Empire State Building from where I was standing but I could have also been mistaken. After taking the photo, I notice the effect of the car lights driving by and the little loops by the shore of the river that reminded me of little parachutes; these effects were made by me moving the camera unintentionally. Unfortunately, it’s hard to see the Empire State Building in the distance in this photo.  



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An Instrument with Rhythm, 2014, Josue Pierre


I took this photo a couple of weeks before I graduated High School last year. This took place in the Music Room of the school. The school had asked me to fix the drum kit for them. After I was done, I had to take a picture of it because I loved the work I did. In this photo, I clearly see a drum set that I fixed. And it looks like its on a long and wide stair made of wooden floors. On the left side of the photo, I see half of a piano/keyboard stand and right behind it is a cabinet where the percussion equipment is kept. On the top right corner of the photo, I see a xylophone. I see the sunlight on the right side of the photo. And I see a grey radiator behind the set. The photo is a bit foggy, but that is only because I had a different phone at the time. But I still wanted to take it because the lighting was just too perfect.

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Brooklyn bridge, September 17, 2012, Cristian Calle

This photograph was taken on September 17, 2012.  I took this photograph during a trip to Manhattan . My friends and I were crossing the bridge and the magnificent view caught my attention. What is interesting about this photograph is that in the background there is a nice view of the city and the the sun had almost completely fallen, but still shining some light. There are also some kind metal wires in the form of a net that creates an illusion as if the city is trapped in a net and, somehow, suspended in the air almost reaching the sky.


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The City Life

The City Life

I took this picture last year in February. I was in city right across Madison Square Garden arena, getting ready for my S.A.T prep class. There was a lot of fluctuation going on with an amazing scenery. People running for buses. The yellows cab, gypsy cabs, dollar cabs running up and down, corner to corner. Just sitting down on the steps of the post office, observing everything that was going around the city brought back a lot memories when i first went to the city. This made me appreciate and recognize the reason why New York City was the greatest city in the world. Which led me on to take this picture.

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A duck Pleasing To The Observers


 I took the above picture which is a duck over sea on the 23th of June , 2011 exactly on six flags. I love Duck because I think it’s peaceful and relaxing. I think its a have a very soft body and its have special magic that pleasing to the observers . The duck grab my eyes from a long distance. The reason why I took A picture of  a duck  because of its lovely, natural setting.


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The Hudson River Dreamer.


Hudson river,2013,Mayji Shodunke

I took this picture during the summer of 2013,its a picture of my brother watching the sunset,i was with my cousins and we were trying to shoot a music video but there was just something about the way the sun set that evening that made me want to take a picture of it.My brother was not meant to be in the photograph,in other words he ”photo-bombed” but honestly,he made it look better,it looked like he was  looking at the world from the outside,trying to make sense of it all,like he was trying to see beyond the river.

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Only The Strong Survive


I took this picture on March 2, 2014, of a resilient little stray cat that often sits, balancing herself on this piece of board (put up to keep her out) on our neighbor’s back fence. It was a cold, gray, March day, and we were awaiting another snowstorm. It was early morning, so although cloudy, the sun had provided the lighting. I did not use a filter on this image.


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Sean’s Awesome Post Example



Screen, 2014, Sean Scanlan

This is an example.

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On Cameras and Taking Photos Plus Dominant Impressions

Hi Class…lot’s of information today!

Homework for Tuesday: Read Parla and Anastasio. Post a photograph (make sure that the image size is under 1 Mb) that you have taken to OpenLab then describe it under the photo in terms of subject, setting, light, color, and any filter you used. Make sure to proof and edit your writing because this is a public site!


1. How does a digital camera work?:


2. How to develop film using coffee and vitamin C:


3. A Darkroom in Use:


4. Five tips for taking your own digital photographs:



Joining Openlab, Posting to Openlab, and Dominant Impression

Here is an example of a picture that I took and my description:

Manhattan-Stonehenge, 2011, Sean Scanlan

I took this picture in the early spring of 2011. The shot is of the sun as it is framed by skyscrapers on either side of E. 21st St., looking West, of course. The sun is setting and seems perfectly centered by the “cliffs” or buildings. I was walking with my friend, Tom, and on our way to play ping-pong at a place called Spin, which is a few blocks north of Union Square. What is so interesting about the picture is that the lens created the effect of all the red circles, I never saw them until after clicking the shutter. I did not use any filters on this shot. The red is overwhelming, but I can still make out the street scene. At first, I did not like the white car on the right side, but after further reflection, I liked how it adds perspective and the illusion of speed. Lastly, the lens also created the effect of a bright slash that goes through the street, straight down. I like that “sword” as it bisects the frame.


How to Sign up, Join, and post a photo:

STEP 1: Here is a link to help you set up an account on Openlab.


STEP 2: Here is a link that will help you join my class.


The shortcut to step 2  is that you should click on the menu tab labeled “Course Profile” on this website, then go to the right side and click join now.

STEP 3: Posting a photo.


To add your description, just type inside the box underneath the image that you have posted. Be sure to click the blue “Update” button on the right side of the page.

If you have any questions, please email me.


Prof. Scanlan

ps. Description: An Example

Here’s a written description of a store:

“It was a narrow room, with a rather high ceiling, and crowded from floor to ceiling with goodies. There were rows and rows of hams and sausages of all shapes and colors–white, yellow, red, and black; fat and lean and round and long–rows of canned preserves, cocoa and tea, bright translucent glass bottles of honey, marmalade, and jam; round bottles and slender bottles, filled with liqueurs and punch–all these things crowded every inch of the shelves from top to bottom. “

-Thomas Mann

What is the dominant impression of this scene?

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Paragraphs Are Cool!

Here is a handout on paragraphs that I want to cover:



Prof. Scanlan

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