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Library / Archive response 1 (based on the NY Historical Society visit) is due TODAY: 10/24/16.

Our Midterm is on Wednesday 10/26/16

As we reviewed in class….you should be able to:

  • Read citations
  • Articulate a research strategy
  • Define terms including:
    • Architectural elements based on classical buildings (arches, domes, tripartite, vaults, symmetry)
    • Renaissance Man / Neoclassicism
  • Identify and compare important historical architectural sites including:
    • Public spaces like basilicas and roman baths
    • Grand Central (terminal, depot, station)
  • Identify important people involved in the construction / preservation of Grand Central and discuss their contributions

Updated Course Schedule

Hi All,

I’ve updated the course schedule. Major things that have changed:

  • removed site report 4
  • removed 12/21 (uniform exam date–we wont be meeting)
  • shifted around a few other dates
  • added classes I skipped for Nov 7 and 9–including a couple of new readings / discussion forums

Please download (and print if you want) the updated course schedule.



NY Historical Society 10/19

We’ll meet at the NY Historical Society on Wednesday 10/19 at 1:30pm for an archival visit. The historical society is located on Central Park West btween 76th and 77th street. You can find travel directions here:

If you are late or get turned around, text me: 401-580-3423. I will not be able to get there super early because I am teaching beforehand.


Homework for 10/17

We have more than a week off and when we meet again on 10/17, we will have a special guest lecturer who was involved in the renovation of GCT in the 1990s. This past weekend, the NYTimes also published an editorial on Penn Station and how it could be “reborn.” In preparation for our discussion of preservation and renovation, please read these two articles and respond to the following discussion forum prompt:

Penn Station Reborn

An Architect who Built his Career on Resuscitating New York Landmarks

Discussion Forum Prompt

Please come to class with questions!