Class Info

  • Date: Thursday, 10/29/20, 4:05 – 5:45pm
  • Meeting Info: The class will meet live on zoom today (password is the same as last time – send me an email if you need a reminder).

To-Do Before Class

  • N/A


  • Chapter 7: If-and-only-if proofs; existence proofs


  • Apply strategies to prove biconditional (if-and-only-if) statements and existential statements.


Meeting recording.

Lecture Notes:

To-Do After Class

Your written assignment “Proof Journal” is due next week on Tuesday 11/3.

Homework due Thursday 11/5: Chapter 7: 5, 6, 7, 9, 12
(Upload link)

Submitting written work (instructions)

  • Take a picture of each written page of your assignment, and combine the pictures into a single pdf document.
  • Give the document a name that will help me identify it, for example: “JRodriguez-Class1Homework.pdf”
  • Use this upload link to upload your pdf (this link connects to a Dropbox folder, but you do NOT need to have a Dropbox account to use it).