Class Info

  • Date: Thursday, 9/24/20
  • Meeting Info: The class will meet live on zoom today (password is the same last time – send me an email if you need a reminder). We will be taking Exam #1 during classtime. Be sure to sign up for post-exam meeting time (see link below).
  • Heads up: Next Tuesday 9/28 will run on a Monday schedule at CUNY, so our class will not meet that day. Our next class meeting will be Thursday, 10/1 (we will meet live on Zoom).

To-Do Before Class

  • Exam #1: Sign up for a One-on-One Meeting with your Professor: Click here to reserve a time
    NOTE: I have provided timeslots on Friday, Saturday and Sunday following the exam – however, I understand these options may not work for everyone. If you are NOT able to make any of the offered times, please send me an email and we will work out an alternative.


  1. N/A


  • N/A


Exam #1 will take place in class today. You will upload your work to Dropbox at the end of class, after completing your exam (link and instructions to be provided in class).

To-Do After Class

In addition to the WeBWorK assigned last class, you have two tasks:

OpenLab Assignment due in 2 weeks (on 10/8): OpenLab Assignment – Bridges and Walking Tours

Exam #1: Sign up for a One-on-One Meeting with your Professor (if you have not done so already): Click here to reserve a time
NOTE: I have provided timeslots on Friday, Saturday and Sunday following the exam – however, I understand these options may not work for everyone. If you are NOT able to make any of the offered times, please send me an email and we will work out an alternative.

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