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OpenLab Workshop for Opening Gateways Fellows – January 23, 2019

Examples for Workshop

Introductory assignments

Check-in assignments

Prep for exam assignments

Concluding assignments


Seminar #7

Deliverables Wrap-up Session

Friday, December 7, 2018

 City Tech, Namm 227, 10:30 am – 1:30 pm

 10:30 am         Coffee and welcome

 10:45 am         Presentation and peer review of STEM applications

11:30 am         Deliverables working session

   1:00 pm         Lunch, discussion on next steps and feedback



Seminar #6

Effective Advisement Strategies for Math Faculty 

Friday, November 16, 2018

 City Tech, Faculty Commons, Namm 227, 10:30 am – 1:30 pm

 10:30 am         Coffee and welcome

 10:40 am         Discussion and activity around advisement best practices

  Presenter:  Yelena Bondar (Director, Accelerated Study in Associate Programs)

 11:45 am          Discussion around advisement

  Presenter:  Sandie Han (Chair, Mathematics Department)

12:10 pm         Deliverables working session

 Fellows will bring a draft of their STEM Application Template (hard copy) and the resources needed to keep working (including laptop).

 1:00 pm          Lunch, continue discussion on deliverables and feedback

 Upcoming Events

City Tech Fellows only: Deliverables Wrap-up Session Friday, December 7, 2018, 10:30 am-1:30 pm, City Tech, Namm 227


Seminar #5

 An Introduction to WeBWorK

 BMCC, room S613, 11AM-2PM

 11:00am          Welcome, discussion of reading

Section 2 (Conceptual Framework and Research Questions, pp. 4-8) of Parker, Andrew, “A Modularized Tablet-Based Approach to Preparation for Remedial Mathematics,” Taylor and Francis in International Journal of Mathematics Education in Science and Technology, Volume 47, Issue 8, 2016. A copy of the article is under “Files”.

11:30am          Intro to WeBWorK

  • Benefits
  • Challenges (and solutions)

 Instructor Basics, Advanced Features, Meta-WeBWorK

1:30pm          Brown Bag Lunch and discussion

1:50pm          Feedback

 Upcoming Events

City Tech Fellows only: Friday, November 16, 2018, 10:30am-1:30pm:  Effective Advisement Strategies for Math Faculty (City Tech, Faculty Commons, N227)



Seminar 4

Gaming in Mathematics Instruction

BMCC, S613

 Pre-seminar Reading: A Proof-of-Concept Study of Game-Based Learning in Higher Education, by Francesco Crocco, Kathleen Offenholley and Carlos Hernandez

 11:00 am         Gaming in Mathematics Instruction

Presenter: Kathleen Offenholley, BMCC

Abstract: Learn about quick, practical, hands-on games you can play in your own mathematics classrooms, then create a game for your own class! Then you’ll get a chance to play three digital games that were created as part of an NSF grant

 1:00 pm           Lunch, Gameplay, Discussion

 1:50 pm           Feedback

Upcoming Events

Friday, November 2, 2018, 11:00 am -2:00 pm: An Introduction to WeBWorK (joint seminar, BMCC S613)

Seminar #3

Using Flipped Instruction and Desmos in the Math Classroom

(joint workshop City Tech/BMCC) at BMCC room S613.

 11:00 am         Welcome and discussion of grant business

11:15 am         A Taste of Flipping Your Classroom

Presenter: Judy Putnam Dean


  • Experience flipped environment as a student
  • Benefits and drawbacks of flipping
  • Lay the groundwork to design your flipped lesson

Bring your assignment to gain class points!

For Judy’s materials, go here.

12:45 pm         Desmos in the Math Classroom

Introduction to Desmos and its activity builder. Learn how Desmos is being used by the Opening Gateways faculty in their classrooms.

1:30 pm           Lunch and discussion

1:50 pm           Feedback

 Upcoming Events

Friday, October 19, 2018,11 am – 2:00 pm: Math Games (joint workshop City Tech/BMCC) at BMCC room S613.

Seminar #2

Open Digital Pedagogies and STEM Applications

City Tech, room N227

10:30 am Introduction to the STEM Application Template

11:00 am   Using Open Digital Pedagogies in the Math Classroom

Presenters: Jody R. Rosen, OpenLab Co-Director & Associate Professor of English

Alessandro Zammataro, OpenLab Digital Pedagogy Fellow

 Abstract: In this interactive session, the OpenLab Team will give a brief 

 introduction to the OpenLab and show examples of Open Digital Pedagogy. 

12:00 pm STEM Applications for MAT 1275 and MAT 1375

Introduction to deliverables with examples from previous cohorts of fellows. Focused discussion on MAT 1375 topics and brainstorming for the development of new activities utilizing open digital pedagogies.

1:00 pm Pizza and Continued Discussion of Deliverables

1:20 pm Feedback 

Upcoming Events

Friday, October 5, 2018, 11 am-2:00 pm: Using Flipped Instruction and Desmos in the Math Classroom (joint workshop City Tech/BMCC) at BMCC room S613.

Prof. Lee Sheldon’s slides

Hi All,

Thanks for attending our first Opening Gateways seminar on the Multi-player Classroom and making it a great success! As promised, here are Prof. Sheldon’s slides:

We look forward to seeing you at future seminars.

Reminder: Please take the faculty pre-survey if you haven’t already!!!


Kind Regards,

Marianna and Laura

Faculty Seminar Co-coordinators

Welcome to Opening Gateways 2018-2019!! Seminar 1 is tomorrow!

Seminar 1 – 9/7/2018

Active Learning Strategies- A Multiplayer Classroom

10:30 am Coffee and Welcome (City Tech, Namm 119)

Brief introduction to the grant, goals, expectations etc.

11:00 am Active Learning Strategies – A Multiplayer Classroom (City Tech, Namm 119)

Presenter: Lee Sheldon


Participants will be introduced to key concepts of the Multiplayer  Classroom and how they can be applied. Next, Professor Sheldon will take them through one of his classes designed as a

game to see how  those concepts were implemented. Finally, participants will have the opportunity to collaborate on developing classes of their own, and Professor Sheldon will offer specific tips on executing their ideas.

1:00 pm Lunch and Discussion of Assigned Readings (City Tech, Namm 119)

Pre-Seminar Readings: Does Active Learning Work? A Review of the Research by Michael Prince

1:20 pm Feedback and Photos

Upcoming Events

Friday, September 14, 2018, 11:00 am – 2:00 pm: Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) (BMCC, rm. TBA)

Friday, September 21, 2019, 10:30 am – 1:30 pm:  Using Open Digital Pedagogies and STEM Applications the Math Classroom (City Tech, Faculty Commons, Namm 227)