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Final Exam Review – UPDATE
Hi everyone,
Attached is an updated version of the review sheet for the final exam. NOTE: The ONLY change is in problem #5 (instead of systems of 3 equations with 3 unknowns, it is about equations of circles).
1275_Final Exam Review Sheet 2012
Mr. Reitz
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OpenLab Assignment #10: Advice for the future
Assignment (due Monday, May 21). Imagine that you are invited to speak on the first day of MAT 1275, to give advice to entering students. Write a paragraph responding to one of the following, describing what you would tell them.
- What do you wish that you had been told at the start of this class, to help you succeed?
- Choose one topic in the course that is especially challenging. Identify it, and give advice to students trying to master that topic.
- What is the most important prior knowledge (not taught in the class) that you need in order to succeed? Why is it important?
Extra Credit. Respond to someone else’s comment. Do you agree? disagree? Have anything to add?
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OpenLab Assignment #9: Mathematics education in America
If you have reached college-level mathematics, then you have spent a great deal of time in your life immersed in “mathematics education” — that is, you’ve gone to a lot of math classes. As you may know, there is a great deal of controversy surrounding mathematics education in the United States, and you have all had a front-row seat for twelve or more years of your life. In this assignment, I will ask you to watch a video that comments on math education, and discuss what you see.
Assignment (Due Tuesday, May 15th). Choose ONE of the videos below. View it carefully at least twice, then write a response as follows:
- At the top of your response, state your name, section number, and the name of the video you chose.
- Write a paragraph in which you complete each of the following sentences, explaining in your own words.
- “The main idea is…”
- “One thing that I liked is…”
- “One thing that I don’t agree with is…” or “One thing that I am skeptical of is…”
- Did the video remind you of anything in your own experiences in math education? Explain.
Videos. Both of the videos linked below are talks given at the TED conference, an annual conference on Technology, Entertainment and Design.
- Dan Meyer, one of the most active voices in the math education blogosphere, talking about “Math class needs a makeover.”
- Salman Khan, creator of Khan Academy, speaking on “Let’s use video to reinvent education.”
Extra credit. Comment on someone else’s post.
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Exam 4 Review is posted
The review sheet for exam 4 is available here:
As usual, let me know (jreitz@citytech.cuny.edu) if you find an error in the review sheet or answer key.
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staten island treasure hunt ( johnny diaz)
- privacy/ pattern
- numbers
- calculator
- oil burner
- my street
- i found these pennies outside on my steps
my neighborhood isnt exciting nor is it dull but my house holds way more treasure then any neighborhood I’ve been too. I like my convience of my neighborhood i can catch the bus on the corner. what i dont like is the cops harrasing me when im sitting in front of my house smoking whatever the case may be. two things a visitor should know in my neighboorhood is that you shouldn’t judge anyone by their looks their are some rich people near me but they might look scruffy lol and relax a lil bit and enjoy the island you wont die from taking a stroll in my neighboorhood
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Treasure Hunting in Clason Point/Soundview,Bronx, NY Jonathan Harris
My neighborhood is nice and peaceful one. There are a lot of house owner and private house owner for renting. Everyone in the neighborhood is friendly and keep to themselves. I like the neighborhood because of it being quiet at all times of the day and nights are safer to. If a visitor came to my neighborhood, they would like how the projects are far away from my area. In their minds, they will say ” Your block is awfully quiet”.
Picture #1
This is an interesting brick pattern because my area has a lot of the standard straight brick design.
Picture #2
I like this flag post because I see my neighorhood is very partiotic of the US.
Picture #3
These 3 or more circles are tires from the local Auto Fix shop.
Picture #4a
These are perpendicular of a window safety grate.
Picture #4b
These are parallel lines of a window frame. ( Dont mind my reflection in the window.)
Picture #5
These numbers are a telephone number to rent a store. (I edit out the area code.)
Mathematics Treasure Hunt
the three circle found on the tire.
i found this pattern in laundry, the pattern of the carts was interesting.
parallel and perpendicular.
the number represent the page number of my history textbook.
the picture on soda machine form by the shape of parabola and the up side down parabola.
i like this picture becasue each letters of the word EXIT are symmetrical.
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“Treasure Hunt” Spanish Harlem/ 59 street 3rd ave – Rodrigo Rojas

- ad numbers
ad numbers
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Treasure Hunt Flatlands, Brooklyn (Joshua Dorismond)
My neighborhood is Flatlands , Brooklyn. I lived here most of my life. What I like about my area is that it is very diverse. Flatbush Avenue is at the corner of my block and everyone knows about Flatbush. It is really diverse community and home to many West Indian immigrants. What I like about my area is that it is very easy to get around. Or buy things that you need. I live across the street from 2 gas stations, a barbershop, a club, dunkin donuts, a super market, church, corner stores, pizza stores (including dominoes), a lock smith, navy recuriters office, a bank. (The list goes on). What I don’t like is the constant noise of dollar van drivers screaming and yelling. They all hang out at the gas station across the street, and are there at all times of the day believe me.