Unit 4 Speech Outline

Specific Purpose Statement: Were living in a disgusting world filled with hatred and surrounded around people who don’t want us to succeed; Don’t let them deter you from your dreams and don’t stop until its a real.

Main Points:

  1. We shouldn’t allow people to tell you and deter you from your own dreams. You know your true self the best.
  2. Today we’re filled with a disgusting hate-filled world, and we need people to bring positivity to this world
  3. There is no set path or timing to success.


  1. We shouldn’t allow people to tell you and deter you from your own dreams. You know your true self the best.
    1. During High School I had 3 mindsets:  To Always go 110%, Can’t Stop and won’t stop until the job is done, and that time should never be wasted.
    2. When I was in High School my principle expressed to me that she couldn’t see me being successful in college.
    3. For years battles with what she said and attended college to please my parents and to prove her wrong.
    4. Ultimately I put too much on my plate and couldn’t handle the stress and being a student and a full time manager.
  2. Today we’re filled with a disgusting hate-filled world, and we need people to bring positivity to this world
    1. We had 49 people killed in Orlando..
    1. The Dallas shooting that killed 5 officers and injured 9 others.
    2. I’m on Facebook and I see a new police brutality and violence everyday. People of color are being shot and killed in front of their family. And the officer says in the report, “I thought they had a gun.” Well, I know they had a family they had to go home to, and now they can’t.
    3. While Working at Journeys I was able to give back a little positivity to this world and during that time that’s all I could focus on.

3) There is no set path or timing to success.

  1. I learned that a part of live is being patient and waiting for your time.
  2. DO things for yourself, if you give love and positivity into this world it will return to you tenfold.
  3. Set your eyes on a dream and don’t stop until it’s yours.
  4. This class is about finding your public writer’s voice is hope to be able to give back your community.
  5. To be able to give back to this world we need to become the best versions of ourselves first.

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