Category: Announcements (Page 4 of 6)

Assignment for Next Week (Monday, Sept. 27)

  • NOTICE FOR ENTERING CITY TECH BUILDINGS: Any students who still have not received their Cleared4 link should email their name, EMPL ID and a message that they did not receive the link to:

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Writing-Process (1)


Writing Assignment:

1. Write a  paragraph about an educational experience you have had in life, inside or outside of a school setting. Your paragraph should set the scene for the reader: when, where, and what, before describing the experience and what you learned in the process.  This will ultimately be fleshed out and become your Unit 1 essay (see Major Assignments).

Upload your assignment to this GoogleDrive.

2. In our next class we will work on transforming this paragraph into an Outline for your Unit 1 Education & Identity narrative.  For #3 here, start thinking about how you would like to tell your story.  Where do you want to start, and where do you want to end? What are some important ideas and memories? What are some compelling details you can provide throughout the narrative, to support your ideas? What might your paragraph order be?   You could address these questions in a paragraph, or copy and paste the outline (delete the example text) in your Comment  and fill in the information there.

Homework: Due Monday, Sept. 20

A United States border patrol agent on horseback tries to stop a Haitian migrant from entering an encampment on the banks of the Rio Grande near the international bridge in Del Rio, Texas, on Sunday.

I begin today’s class with a photograph of a Haitian man and his son being “rounded up” by an American border control agent near Mexico.  Here is the full article on how President Biden has ordered over 15,000 Haitian migrants at the border of America to be flown back to Haiti. How does this image connect with last week’s readings?

  1. Review How to Write A Summary
  2. Read JosĂ© Olivarez, “Maybe I Could Save Myself by Writing” and “Mexican American Disambiguation”  and “Citizen Illegal” (2018)
  3. Write a 1-paragraph summary of one of Olivarez’s texts, using the Summary Powerpoint template as a model. Include a quote from the text that you feel represents an important idea. For example: As Olivarez writes, “Maybe I could write the stories I was craving to read. Maybe I could save myself by writing.”
  4. Post using “comments” icon (above this post)


Homework Assignment(s): Due Monday, Sept. 13


Step 1: Read and re-read a text.

Step 2: Annotate the text, in your notebook, or by cutting and pasting the text into a Word or Google Doc.

  • Underline sentences you feel are important, and put them in your own words (paraphrase)
  • Write down main ideas next to each paragraph; be careful to distinguish main ideas from examples and details
  • Circle unfamiliar words, look them up, and write down definitions
  • Jot down your responses to the author’s ideas– what do you think? Do you have a question or response to what they wrote?

Step 3: Goal:  Write down 3-4 main ideas of the text, including what you feel is the thesis (central, overarching point). This will be your *summary.*

  • Post a Response (Length: Two Paragraphs):
    • 1. For each article (by Morrison and Hellman), copy and paste a quote (1-2 sentences)  that you found meaningful. Then paraphrase (put the quote in your own words)  and explain why you were drawn to it, commenting either on the idea or the writing technique.
    • 2. Respond with your own thoughts about the ideas in each article.   Be creative, be honest! College is about independent thought!

To comment on any post, click on the “comments” icon (above). You will then see a screen come up with LEAVE A REPLY. That is where you want to comment.

We will discuss your Replies  in class; also be ready to share any unfamiliar words that you looked up and ideas/questions that arose for you while reading.

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