Maureen Neuringer | COMD 3711 - Section OL70 | Fall 2021

04 Discussion

Question 01 –

How do you create a (6 sided) hexagon shape and make the hexagon point up?

You create a 6 sided hexagon shape by using the polygon tool and entering 6 points in the dialog box then clicking accept. It is important to not drag with the polygon tool before selecting the amount of sides you want in the dialog box. To make the hexagon point up you can either drag to create a shape after selecting the amount of sides or you can rotate a hexagon with the rotation tool. You also can go to object- transform -rotate and rotate the object by 90 degrees.

Question 02 –

What tool in Illustrator can change a straight line anchor point to a bezier curve?

The tool in Illustrator than can change a straight line anchor point to a bezier curve is the anchor point tool. To do this you simply create two or more points with the pen tool then select the anchor tool and drag until you reach your preferred curve. It is important not to use to confuse the curvature tool to create bezier curves as the curvature tool creates extra points. The anchor point tool on the other hand, allows you the freedom to manipulate the curve without creating extra points which makes for a more smooth curve. The anchor tool lets you select anchors, curvature points and paths themselves.

1 Comment

  1. Cui Zhang

    I like how you explained how to use the shapes tool and the anchor tool. They are really helpful tools because there’s a lot of different shapes we can create by using the pentagon tool in illustrator.

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