Tag Archives: the right to be forgotten

Assignment 3B

When one hears the word identity the first thing that comes to mind is that which is use to identify or locate someone. Thus, digital identity is identification used by computers, cell phones act. and is equal to that of the real identity of a person.  The question is asked “Who controls our identity?” and instantaneously the reply should be every individual controls his or her identity. Never the less we know this is not the case in so many areas of our lives. Identity theft is something that has plagued us and in many cases have left a legacy of woe. Hence I asked this question “Do you believe that people have a “right to be forgotten”? and in my estimation I will say yes because there are many times articles and stories that have no truth “escape” from editors and writers and make their way across the digital world leaving a trail that discredit innocent persons and in many instances destroy lives and up and coming careers. Therefore, under these circumstances I will definitely suggest the right to be forgotten clause. 

Another pertinent question that is put forth is Does the “right to be forgotten” clash with our 1st amendment “Free Speech” rights? and I most profoundly say no. I believe in the First Amendment but only when it uphold truth and does not defamed someone’s character or destroy a person’s life or livelihood. What good is there when a story is printed based on the First Amendment of Free Speech yet there is no truth to it? The outcome- hurt lives, lawsuits, lost of employments maybe death cause by suicide. Therefore, I emphatically believe that people have the “right to be forgotten.”

Assignment 2W


1. Where can we draw the line as to what should be allowed to be taken down from search engines?

2. If there was a small fee remove the links from the search engines, can the removal of the links be used to create more jobs?

3.  How can the removal of personal information on search engines affect businesses or personal life in the future?


1.  What can journalists do to ensure they are able to find information quickly enough to be able to post ground breaking stories quickly?

2. Is it better to remove the story entirely or edit it based on new information?

3. What should news sites or papers do when someone’s personal life is damaged due to hasty false information in an article?

Assignment 2W

Questions: What the “right to be forgotten” means for privacy in a digital age

1. If someone has a past criminal record link on Google can they ask that link to be dropped, depending on the crime?

2. If European digital privacy transferred into the U.S as a similar form, would the internet have more boundaries?

3. How long would the process of taking down links for rights to privacy in the U.S take?

Questions: Learning from Gawker’s Attempt to Erase the Past

1. Should Journalists make conscious decisions of whether or not their articles are worth publishing, before doing so in order to eliminate conflict with readers?

2. If more articles like Gawkers for example were taken down, would the world be losing valuable information?

3. If Journalists do not inform readers before taking down an article, how would they possibly react?