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Assignment 5B

In his book, Too Big to Know, David Weinberger describes the concept of knowledge and how we view and understand it. By knowledge infrastructure, Weinberger means the organization and structure of knowledge. He believes that knowledge is bases on “credentials” such as degrees and publications and not simple opinions.  In chapter one of his book, he talks about the evolution of knowledge, how it can  be shaped through technology. This can be a bad thing, as there is just too much information out there and it becomes difficult to credit information as credible sometimes. He states, ” there way too much bad stuff. We can now see every idiotic idea put forward seriously and every serious idea treated idiotically” (12).  We see this going on with the debate right now, instead of looking at the debate and realizing the importance of the election, there are people on the internet who make memes out of both candidates and this goes viral. However, Weinberger does reinforce that knowledge makes us better researchers as we are should be aware of credible information. When we have credible information and we know it is credible, the reaearching process becomes much easier. Yes, there is an information “overload” as Weinberger puts it, but we have filters. These filters ” increase information and reveal the whole deep sea” ( 13).  There is so much information out there and there is no “running away from knowledge” we just need to know how to require information without overloading our brains.


Assignment #5B

Throughout Weinberger’s chapter “Too Big To Know” he explicates infrastructure of knowledge with high importance.  We are constantly overloaded with so much information/data that this structure that has been created overtime seems to work. Weinberger states that, “The same way you justified your investment in data. You’ve refined the data to produce information, and you’ve refined the information to generate something of greater value”.  All of our searches and keywords are strained through the system on a daily basis,  when we are looking to gain knowledge on a particular topic that we search. On the other hand, it does have its negative and positive aspects about it.  Weinberger explains this, “But we’ve paid a hidden price: We have raised the bar so high that we have sometimes excluded ideas that were nevertheless worth considering…”. When our searches are refined we are being given the top sources of information from different databases, but at the same time we are also be limited to other data out there that may be useful to our research.  Although, having an infrastructure of knowledge may have a slight downside about it, it is proven to be very helpful as well.  It in fact helps researches find particular information faster being that everyone is able find what they are looking for by just typing in certain keywords.

cyber security bibliography


4B Classification

Classification is the creating or grouping of  similar qualities. It’s used to classify humans from plants,  mammals from reptiles  and rich from poor. According to Dye, in the use of technology folksonomy  is the mash up of folk and taxonomy, when it comes to the community of people creating metadata through the internet.  Tagging a picture, a URL, status, video or etc creates a group or a classification of a keyword or phrase. For example if a person tags a blog with the important of  Evolution. It will be imprinted on the internet and even time some one lookes up the word evolution or phrase with evolution in it. That tagged blog would pop up with that information someone tagged for the public. Classification is important to were data can be shared and grouped based on common qualifications, words and phrases.

Assignment 4B

The importance of classification in today’s society is very high.  Everyone tends to rely on it when searching for different material.  Dye explains in her article “Folksonomy: A Game of High-tech (and Highstakes) Tag” that classification also known as folksonomy is very beneficial; it is generated metadata taken from multiple sources, tagging digital information with their own searchable keywords.  This idea of organizing information in this particular way has been sought out early on in life.  Wright states in his article “Family trees and the tree of life” that, “Even the most seemingly divergent cultures seem to employ almost identical strategies for organizing information, following a pattern that Berlin dubbed ‘ethnobiological rank,’ or the use of hierarchical categories to describe the characteristics of plants and animals”.  See classification has been around for a long time and continues to increasingly become broader.

Without classification it will be much harder to do any research on certain topics when only given a short period of time to complete it.  Imagine life without folksonomy or classification, it would take many hours to finish a simple search on the internet.  This is why some believe that classification is needed in today’s society.  Dye said that, “The richness and participation of the communities around these folksonomies are, in large part, what fuel interest in them”.  Not only are we sharing insight on the same interests but we are building our knowledge from each others thoughts and facts that is put out for the world to see.

Assignment 7B

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a law that gives you the right to access information from the federal government. The American agency that administers the work proposed in FOIA is an independent non-governmental research institute and a library located at The George Washington University also called the Archive. They also collect information through other laws too like the freedom of information act and more. Yes this act definitely benefits citizens in many ways.  For example it provides us with documents that have not been released. This can help us make decisions for the U.S and also help us keep track of historical records. It keeps us up to date with current events like the Cuban missile crisis etc. Also we get to know about others countries outside the U.S and know what their plans for the U.S are.

Assignment 6B

Martin’s book chapter is available to read on the web because he is a strong believer that in order for people to learn they need to have resources available to them. Not only are students learning from research finding by professionals but also big corporations are using this information as well. So it is a good idea to share it to begin with the government can help with funding’s to find out more research and second other professionals can help in finding research as well since they have a place where they can start research from. It is found online for free. Yes the availability of this book chapter online exemplify s Martins idea that scholarship should be liberated because not only is he writing about it but he is demonstrating it with his own work.

Assignment 5B

In the article Too Big to Know David Weinberger talks about the infrastructure of knowledge. He goes back in time to try to understand what knowledge is and how the internet has changed those concepts of knowledge. He wants to analyze what the true definition of knowledge is and how knowledge began; which he refers to as “the infrastructure of knowledge.” Weinberger says knowledge started with the enlightenment thinkers and the divine right and those people from that era because their ideas came from there own minds and no other place. His questions are weather true knowledge is what we know from others or something only we know that’s not from the internet. He doesn’t know if the internet is making us dumber or smarter by filling us with information. He says ” there’s obviously plenty of data in the world, but not a lot of wisdom” Weinberger states that true knowledge is when someone takes information out of nothing. For example in the old times people use to collect data and from this data they got information in which they created knowledge from for others to know. That is real wisdom according to him. He says “information is to data what wine is to a vineyard; the delicious extract and distillate.” But now  with the internet there is to much knowledge and it has been reducing what we need to know. Knowledge itself changes in the age of the internet. We have the Internets information as a given and work from there and try to use it to make us smarter; that is not what knowledge is about.  Weinberger says “knowledge is so important to us for deciding matters of state that bar needs to be set high.” I think that the understanding of knowledge infrastructure can make us better researchers because we should know first of all not to believe and copy everything from the internet since its other people knowledge and second we should take one idea from the internet and expand from it using our own mind and make questions/ hypothesis out of that information.

Assignment 4B

Classification is very important when it comes to researching things. Classification helps with organzing data. The organization can enable “Classification Taxonomy”. When researching you should tag your data to help find the information quickly and efficiently. This is where metadata starts being implemented. Badke discusses the importance of using metadata. Without using metadata it causes your search to have a lot of irrelevant results. This now slows down the process of getting the information you need because you now have to skim and cut down all the unnecessary information you don’t need. Classification is not only helpful for researching but for food, animal, and people. It is important to classify yourself and to determine who you are as a person.





Assignment 4B

Classification is important because it allows us to differentiate things like different types of animals, foods, objects, and other things. It is particularly helpful when it comes to researching, making it easier to search for a specific piece of information by using what is known as a “tag” to separate items to avoid confusion between vastly different topics. The use of tags are mostly associated with the phenomenon, folksonomy. As Dye states, “The process is simple enough: Users assign a name, or tag, to any image, article, blog, bookmark, or URL.” In essence, a folksonomy is a “home-grown” taxonomy, one where users generate “metadata” to classify things for easier retrieval. The importance of classification is not to be underestimated, seeing as it is used on a daily basis on even the most mundane levels.