Wednesday 9 April (after Test 3) and Wednesday 23 April classes


• Finding exact values for the trig functions using knowledge of basic triangles and points on the coordinate axes

• Basic graphs of sine, cosine, and tangent and their properties

• Transformed graphs of sine and cosine functions

Here are the notes I handed out in class: MAT1375TrigGraphsFivePointMethod

• Angle addition and subtraction identities

• The double-angle identities for sine and cosine


The difference between the reference triangle and the other triangle the book uses: If you use the reference triangle, the values of the trig functions are the same for the reference angle as for the original angle, except for possible – signs (which depend on the quadrant the angle is in).

You can use either of the two triangles to find the coordinates of the point on the the terminal side, and then use the definitions of the trig functions.





• Review the definitions of the trig functions, the unit circle picture also

• Review the examples discussed in class

• Do the assigned parts of Exercises 17.1 (exact values, not using a calculator, and practice using the basic triangles and the definition of the trig functions); 17.5, 17.6 (and as time permits, 17.3, 17.4)

• Do the assigned parts of Exercises 18.1, 18.2 (for tangent, either use that tangent = sine/cosine or look up the formula for tangent); 18.4




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