Disney Journal#5 Fab 10

This week I start my class, Human Resource Management and Experiential Learning. They are very interesting classes, my two instructors Karen and Debi are so cute and we have a lot of fun in classes. We play a game “Who I am” in the Experiential Learning class. Our foreheads are stick Disney characters’ names by Debi, we should ask classmates Yes or No questions to find who we are and look for our partner late on. Unfortunately, I ask bunch of questions and my classmates even give my some hints, I still have no idea who I am. It is a wonderful game, we learn Disney characters quickly and get to know new people at the same time.

I make my first turn-down service tip this week. Usually, when we are doing turn-down service, we just make beds for guests, put chocolate on beds, turn on the reading light and reset the curtains. If the room is dirty, we also need clean the trash can and change the dirty towels. It is not a sort of complicated job compareing with AM housekeeping. Mostly guests are not in the rooms, some of them who are stay will refuse this service; just few guests stay in the rooms and want the service simultaneously, that is how I get tip from my turn-down service. Here I take a picture in a room when I am doing the turn-down service.

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