Professor Smith | Fall 2020

Author: Robert Zagaroli 3rd (Page 1 of 4)

Class 13 Agenda

Class Info

  • Date: Tuesday, December 1, 2020
  • Meeting via Zoom: Link and passcode will be provided to all students via email

To-Do Before Class

Complete all To-Do items, Activities, and Assignments from prior Class Agendas and SUBMIT to the appropriate link on the Assignment Posts page. Use the OpenLab gradebook to check for missing items (and let me know if there are any errors).


  • Project 3 – Urban Space
    • Student presentations
  • Project 4 – Contemplative Space
    • Introduction of project: Week 13-15 PowerPoint
    • Submit preliminary notes & images on the Assignment Posts page

To-Do After Class

  • Study carefully the Week 13-15 PowerPoint
  • Complete Part 1 and Part 2 of the assignment (all instructions on slides 1-5)
  • Submit work on the Assignment Posts page

Class 12 Agenda

Class Info

  • Date: Tuesday, November 24, 2020
  • Meeting via Zoom: Link and passcode will be provided to all students via email

To-Do Before Class

Complete all To-Do items, Activities, and Assignments from prior Class Agendas and SUBMIT to the appropriate link on the Assignment Posts page. Use the OpenLab gradebook to check for missing items (and let me know if there are any errors).


Career paths

  • Look at
  • Choose a few items that most interest you and do some quick research
    • “careers in ….”
    • “architectural firms that do ….”
    • “companies that provide …” Come back prepared to say a few words about what you have found, what surprised you, one question

Building Section – Self Assessment

Project 3 – URBAN SPACE

  • Review assignment description, which is linked from the Week 11 PowerPoint
  • Breakout rooms – discuss together the difference between description & analysis, and together fill out the Google sheet for your team:
  • Review research gathered to date, questions, work on sketches and research

To-Do After Class

  • Project 3 – Urban Space
    • Students who did not present today will present next week, December 1
    • FINAL submissions for everyone are due before class on December 1, uploaded to the Assignment Posts page
    • REMEMBER this is an analysis project – focus on observation & description, especially of the experience of being in and moving through the spaces (some history is helpful, but not the focus)
  • Project 4 – Contemplative Space
    • (coming soon … for those who want to work ahead)
    • Due Tuesday, December 15

Class 11 Agenda

Class Info

  • Date: Tuesday, November 17, 2020
  • Meeting via Zoom: Link and passcode will be provided to all students via email

To-Do Before Class

Complete all To-Do items, Activities, and Assignments from the Class 1 – 10 Agendas and SUBMIT to the appropriate link on the Assignment Posts page. Use the OpenLab gradebook to check for missing items (and let me know if there are any errors).


  • Project #2 – Building Section
    • Layout & drawing of stairs
  • Urban design overview – quick look at Week 11 PowerPoint
    • examples of what we mean by “urban space”
    • features to look for when designing or analyzing urban spaces
  • In class urban design activity
    • Think of an urban space you like (not indoors) – in NYC or anywhere in the world, preferably some place where you have lived or visited
    • Why do you like it? What does the space feel like?
    • Using Google Maps, examine the conditions of this place and identify the elements that make it feel the way it does (pathways, buildings, landscape, etc…)
    • Produce 3 sketches (don’t have to be super detailed):
      • One overall plan of the space
      • One plan diagram, identifying critical elements
      • One perspective sketch of your favorite moment in the space. This sketch doesn’t need to be super detailed, or even accurate, but should convey how the space makes you feel.
    • Examples of sketches we reviewed in class can be found at the bottom of this page (Prof. Christo’s OpenLab site)
    • Upload sketches on the Assignment Posts page
  • Collaborative exercise with Miro – our list of categories & items to consider during urban space analysis is here
  • Professor Christo’s “Battery Park City” presentation is toward the bottom of this page with good examples of urban space analysis, location plans, historic photos, etc.
  • Introduction to Project 3 – Urban Space – the link to this project description is also found on slide 2 of our Week 11 PowerPoint

To-Do After Class

  • Project 3 – Urban Space
    • Students may choose to present next Tuesday OR the following Tuesday, November 24 or December 1
    • FINAL submission for everyone will be Tuesday, December 1
    • BEFORE class next week, upload photos, research images, additional sketches & diagrams, and other research sources for your chosen site on the Assignment Posts page
    • REMEMBER this is an analysis project – focus on observation & description, especially of the experience of being in and moving through the spaces (some history is helpful, but not the focus)
  • Here are the urban spaces selected so far:
    • Adrian – St. Peter’s Square & Vatican, Rome (Italy)
    • Alejandro – Plaza del ZĂłcalo, Mexico City
    • Alisher – Palace Square, St. Petersburg (Russia)
    • Derrick – World Trade Center, NYC
    • Jacob – Greeley Square Park, NYC
    • Jamal – National Mall, Washington DC
    • Jay – Parque Caleron, Cuenca, Ecuador
    • Jonathan – Rockefeller Center, NYC
    • Lizmary – Columbus Park, Santo Domingo (DR)
    • Nalija –
    • Noah – Grand Army Plaza, Brooklyn NY
    • Olena – Market Square, Lviv (Ukraine)
    • Sharif – Ginza Crossing, Tokyo (Japan)
    • Tasnuva – Barclay Center, Brooklyn

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