Class Info

  • Date: Tuesday, November 17, 2020
  • Meeting via Zoom: Link and passcode will be provided to all students via email

To-Do Before Class

Complete all To-Do items, Activities, and Assignments from the Class 1 – 10 Agendas and SUBMIT to the appropriate link on the Assignment Posts page. Use the OpenLab gradebook to check for missing items (and let me know if there are any errors).


  • Project #2 – Building Section
    • Layout & drawing of stairs
  • Urban design overview – quick look at Week 11 PowerPoint
    • examples of what we mean by “urban space”
    • features to look for when designing or analyzing urban spaces
  • In class urban design activity
    • Think of an urban space you like (not indoors) – in NYC or anywhere in the world, preferably some place where you have lived or visited
    • Why do you like it? What does the space feel like?
    • Using Google Maps, examine the conditions of this place and identify the elements that make it feel the way it does (pathways, buildings, landscape, etc…)
    • Produce 3 sketches (don’t have to be super detailed):
      • One overall plan of the space
      • One plan diagram, identifying critical elements
      • One perspective sketch of your favorite moment in the space. This sketch doesn’t need to be super detailed, or even accurate, but should convey how the space makes you feel.
    • Examples of sketches we reviewed in class can be found at the bottom of this page (Prof. Christo’s OpenLab site)
    • Upload sketches on the Assignment Posts page
  • Collaborative exercise with Miro – our list of categories & items to consider during urban space analysis is here
  • Professor Christo’s “Battery Park City” presentation is toward the bottom of this page with good examples of urban space analysis, location plans, historic photos, etc.
  • Introduction to Project 3 – Urban Space – the link to this project description is also found on slide 2 of our Week 11 PowerPoint

To-Do After Class

  • Project 3 – Urban Space
    • Students may choose to present next Tuesday OR the following Tuesday, November 24 or December 1
    • FINAL submission for everyone will be Tuesday, December 1
    • BEFORE class next week, upload photos, research images, additional sketches & diagrams, and other research sources for your chosen site on the Assignment Posts page
    • REMEMBER this is an analysis project – focus on observation & description, especially of the experience of being in and moving through the spaces (some history is helpful, but not the focus)
  • Here are the urban spaces selected so far:
    • Adrian – St. Peter’s Square & Vatican, Rome (Italy)
    • Alejandro – Plaza del Zócalo, Mexico City
    • Alisher – Palace Square, St. Petersburg (Russia)
    • Derrick – World Trade Center, NYC
    • Jacob – Greeley Square Park, NYC
    • Jamal – National Mall, Washington DC
    • Jay – Parque Caleron, Cuenca, Ecuador
    • Jonathan – Rockefeller Center, NYC
    • Lizmary – Columbus Park, Santo Domingo (DR)
    • Nalija –
    • Noah – Grand Army Plaza, Brooklyn NY
    • Olena – Market Square, Lviv (Ukraine)
    • Sharif – Ginza Crossing, Tokyo (Japan)
    • Tasnuva – Barclay Center, Brooklyn