
Name: Roman Matlala

Author: Larry Elder

Title: Where’s Black Lives Matter when you need them?

Topic: Police Brutality

Thesis: The author believes there is no epidemic of racist cops killing black suspects

In the article “Where’s Black Lives Matter when you need them?” by Larry Elder the topic of police brutality is brought up where the author talks about how black people aren’t being brutalized by white officers. Larry Elder thinks that black people aren’t dying to racist cops, then proceeds to compare the victims of police officers in the past. “There is no epidemic of racist cops killing black suspects. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Police killings of black declined almost 80% from the late ‘60s through the 2010s, while police killings of whites have flatlined.” This shows that the author is acting like nothing is going on with police officers and unarmed black people, Instead he thinks white people have it worse when it comes to police victims. “In recent years, The police have averaged killing about 1,000 Americans per year. Of that number, half are white and one-quarter are black, with the race of remaining suspects of another race or unknown.” This proves that Larry Elder doesn’t believe there is an epidemic of racist cops killing black suspects.


Atta Tariq Midterm

Name: Atta Tariq 

Author: Larry Elder

Title: Where’s Black Lives Matter when you need them?

Topic: Black Lives Matter, George Floyd.

Thesis:  Larry Elder talks about George Floyd and what caused his death. Which was a knee to his neck for 9 minutes after Floyd repeating many times he cannot breathe. He brings in data stating that “Recent studies not only find no systemic abuse of black suspects by the cops, but if anything, cops are more hesitant, more reluctant, to use deadly force against a black suspect than against a white suspect.” Basically trying to say that the cops are scared to use weapons against black folks and shows statistics as well. He also mentions that the majority of white young men’s death causes are accidents and for young black men it is homicide. He tries to also tell us that not all cops are bad. 

Reasons/Details supporting Thesis: Larry mentions this in his article: “The No. 1 cause of preventable death for young white men is accidents, such as car accidents and drownings. The No. 1 reason for death, preventable or otherwise for young black men, is homicide, almost always at the hands of another young black man. In 2018, there were approximately 7,400 black homicide victims, more than half of the nation’s total number of homicides, while the black population is 13% of the U.S. total.” He also says that “the protests are about the alleged epidemic of widespread and race-based police brutality against blacks and the lack of confidence, in the case of Floyd, that justice will be done.”




In the article “Where’s Black Lives Matter when you need them?” written by Larry Elder. He talks about the incident which has recently taken place about four cops killing a black man named “George Floyd”. Floyd kept saying “I can’t breathe” but cops didn’t listen and after an hour, he was pronounced dead. People protested in which businesses were looted and burnt out. There were also charges against cops. I agree with the author that all cops are not bad. It’s in our heads and judging people by their color. We need to change our minds. Crime is everywhere, it doesn’t mean we only suspect specific race just because of their color. We can’t judge each cop over one cop who messed up really bad. But, this incident made every cop look bad. The trust is gone for the citizens. People do not feel safe.Â