Date |
Agenda |
Homework |
1.26 |
Personal introductions, review syllabus and course materials Discuss internet infrastructure, fundamental concepts and functionality of web communications |
Purchase a domain name (see guidelines and recommendations on OpenLab) |
2.2 |
Assign Site 1: Hello World Simple text, meta, and semantic tags Code formatting Use FTP to upload Site 1 progress to personal folder on class server Change DNS to link your purchased domain name with IP address of your folder on class server |
Finish any incomplete work from the class session |
2.9 |
Add Creative Commons image to Site 1, with attribution link to source Web image basics The CSS box (margins/borders/padding/etc) Introduce styling and <style> attribute Design and apply simple styles to Site 1 |
Finish and upload Site 1: Hello World |
2.16 |
Site 1: Hello World DUE Choose subjects for Site 2: Digital History External CSS and managing a multi-page site Build rudimentary <nav> for Site 2 |
Research subject for Site 2; be prepared to share what you learn in the next class. Save links to reference materials for your bibliography. |
2.23 |
Controlling layouts: block vs inline elements, absolute positioning, and relative units Design responsive layout for Site 2 nav Simple rollover animations with CSS Using custom fonts |
Finish nav design; find or create a portrait for the homepage/bio (see assignment for more details) |
3.2 |
Color modes and transparency “Cobalt Valkyrie” tutorial (responsive units, @media rules with alternate styles) Work on homepage/bio for Site 2: lay out text with semantic tags; place image(s) with caption and appropriate alt text |
Finish homepage design for Site 2; find or create images for the timeline (see assignment for more details) |
3.9 |
<ul> and <li> elements; parent/child relationships and the DOM hierarchy Work on timeline for Site 2 |
Continue work on Site 2 timeline; adapt design as needed to complement nav and homepage |
3.16 |
HTML and CSS review; AI art “Mad Libs” exercise |
Work on timeline and continue refining Site 2 |
3.23 |
(sick day – sorry Print this page © 2025 COMD2451 Web Design 1 Theme by Anders Noren — Up ↑ |