Editorial Article- North Korea Crisis


The missile crisis in North Korea has gotten lots of attention from the U.S and is a really concerning problem for the rest of the world.  North Korea is striving to build a missile that can reach other continents such as the U.S.  Their president Kim Jong-un is not in anyway, of stopping his mast production of deadly and distructive nuclear missiles.  North Korea has been testing their missiles for some time, alerting neighbor countries like Japan. Based on news reports, Kim has already test 6 nuclear bombs and one hydrogen bomb, it is expected that another deadly bomb will be tested over the Pacific Ocean this year 2018.

I chose this article since missile crisis has always been a problem because of their deadly destructive potential.  Today many countries with material available continue to produce nuclear bombs such as North Korea however the purpose of these countries aren’t for the well being of others but for their own malicious use.

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