Sharif Tyler Project 3 Editorial Illustration

For the third project I decided to choose police brutality as my basis. Police brutality is described as excessive force used by police for lawful purposes. Often times, police brutality leads to death or serious injuries. The victims of police brutality most of the time are black people. Some of the most well known victims of police brutality are Sandra Bland, Rodney King, Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, Tamir Rice, Eric Garner, and Oscar Grant who was the inspiration behind the movie Fruitvale Station. 9 times out of 10 when black people are the victims of police brutality, they’re innocent and minding their own business. Just recently in the Brooklyn neighborhood of Crown Heights, a black man named Saheed Vassell was shot and killed by police after police supposedly mistook an object in his hand has a gun. Come to find out it wasn’t a gun. Saheed Vassell was known to be mentally ill, but police still shot him instead of trying to de escalate the situation. A lot of times when police murder black people, they often get away with it. As a black man living in America, I always fear that me or someone that I care about might be assaulted or murdered by police. Almost everyday I fear that my life might be cut short just because of the color of my skin.

1 thought on “Sharif Tyler Project 3 Editorial Illustration

  1. Hey Shariff

    Very good and timely topic. However I would like you to find more a reputable news source. I am not discounting what the Root is reporting, however I am sure you can find a more widely trusted news source for your article.

    Can’t wait to see your Concept Sketches.

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