Color Theory Review: Concepts and Terminology

The Three Attributes of a Color

To accurately describe a color and differentiate it from another there are 3 attributes to measure.



When the average person says “color” they are actually mean hue. The hue of a color is its particular light wave energy frequency. Remember, light is waves of energy, and white light is contains all possible colors! Violet is the highest visible light frequency and red is the lowest, which we humans have receptors to see.

In this diagram, note how the blue becomes pink, but all of the colors in between are of equal intensity, as it as it moves from right to left.


Saturation (or chroma as it is sometimes called) means a color’s purity. When people are talking about a color’s intensity they mean its saturation or chroma.

In the diagram, note how the blue becomes less saturated as it as it moves from right to left.


As we discussed earlier in the course, colors have values just as shades of gray do. A color’s brightness or darkness, and its nearness to white or black respectively, is the color’s value. Value is independent of hue or saturation and can be seen even in a black-and-white photo.


Tints, Shades, and Tones

 Value has is has its own color terminology.

Remember that the value of a color is how light or dark a color is, or how close it is to black.

Tints are when we add white to a pure hue:


Shades are when we add black to a pure hue:


Saturation also has its own color terminology.

We get different tones when we add gray to a pure hue:


Another way to envision this is as the hue itself becomes less saturated, it appears more and more gray.



Munsell’s Color Tree

Talking about color can be very misleading! For example, when you go to a paint store, you can buy a can of Honorable Blue, Flyway, or Wondrous Blue! When we say Flesh Tone, what exactly does that mean? Whose Flesh Tone are we talking about?  It can be very confusing!


Albert Munsell, an artist and professor the Massachusetts College of Art and Design, felt the same way. In 1905 he developed a “rational way to describe color” using numeric notation instead of names to describe color. To assign these numbers he used the three attributes we discussed above: huevalue, and chroma (saturation).


In the diagram above, you can see the traditional color wheel as the center ring, and Munsell’s Color Tree, as it came to be known, growing from the center. The trunk of the tree represents zero to ten in value. The farther we move from its “trunk” represents an increase in chroma, until the hue—represented by the separate “branches”—is at full saturation, farthest away from the center.


Munsell’s Color Tree


Now Lets Learn to work in a LIMITED PALATE.


MoCCA Festival of the Arts

The MoCCA Arts Festival is a 2-day multimedia event, Manhattan’s largest independent comics, cartoon and animation festival, drawing over 7,000 attendees each year. With 400 exhibiting artists displaying their work, award-winning honorees speaking about their careers and artistic processes and other featured artists conducting workshops, lectures and film screenings, our Festival mission accelerates the advancement of the Society’s broader mission to serve as Manhattan’s singular cultural institution promoting all genres of illustration through exhibitions, programs and art education


Go to the show and look at as many different kinds of work as you can.  Choose one artist / creator whose work you admire.  Interview them about their work, inspiration and career. Find out how they approach their work, their process, and how they got started in the industry.  Take a picture with that creator and their work.  Write a blog post and share it on open lab.  Be sure to credit them and share their social media info with the class.





When looking through some news article this one caught my attention most because it causes a serious problem in the future with jobs. Since robots are getting more and more advance, researchers believe that most jobs will be taken over by a robot leading to a lot of job losses and pay reductions. As said in the article some places that use robots lead to “the employment rate went down by .2-.3 percentage points, and wages fell by between .25 and .5 percent.” To demonstrate this article i would draw a big robot about to step on a group of people aka the workers.

Japan Dolphin Hunting

In this article from National Geographic, it goes over the issue of dolphin hunting that occurs annually in Taiji, Japan. The Fishermen would lower one end of a steel pipe into the water, and then they would strike the pipe with mallets to through off the dolphins sonar. The dolphins would get pushed back near a bay where a net from the fishermen will close them in. The dolphins are left there overnight to calm down since they’re panicked at this point. the fisherman would then come back and slice the dolphins throats. According to the article, Fishermen would gather about 1,000 of these dolphins and would either slaughter them for their meat or sell them to marine parks. Also in Japan they hunt whales as well. I know these hunts have been going on for years in Japan but I find it not right for these amazing creatures to be killed. Well in general I don’t like the idea of any animal to be hunted down especially to turn them into merchandise.

Pet Store Animals

One of my contemporary issue that I feel needs more attention towards is animals that pet shops sell. Most of the puppies and kittens that are sold within these shops are sick and/or injured. They are kept in unsanitary conditions and do not get the proper veterinary treatment. It’s even worse knowing the fact that the puppies are brought from mills that are notorious for their cramped, filthy conditions and for their continuous breeding of unhealthy and hard-to-socialize animals. This article from PETA also includes most of the small pets that are seen in pet stores such as birds, rabbits and other small animals comes from mills as well. Most of the time I only hear about puppy mills but now I learned that more animals are brought in the terrible conditions. I want to bring more awareness to this issue because these animals are just being treated as merchandise and being exposed to terrible conditions.


Women in Comics Exhibit in the Grace Gallery

Hello Guys-

This is the show I was speaking of last week … please come by!  Extra Credit if you do!

In celebration of Women’s History Month,

The Department of Communication Design presents…

Women in Comics Exhibit in the Grace Gallery.

Featuring female artists spanning all aspects of the comics industry; from Marvel and DC to Independent Comics. These amazing creators are artists, writers, and entrepreneurs … and the show even features a City Tech alum!

Opening Reception

Thursday, March 16 5:30 – 8:30 pm 

Exhibit Continues until April 20th