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In this article from National Geographic, it goes over the issue of dolphin hunting that occurs annually in Taiji, Japan. The Fishermen would lower one end of a steel pipe into the water, and then they would strike the pipe with mallets to through off the dolphins sonar. The dolphins would get pushed back near a bay where a net from the fishermen will close them in. The dolphins are left there overnight to calm down since they’re panicked at this point. the fisherman would then come back and slice the dolphins throats. According to the article, Fishermen would gather about 1,000 of these dolphins and would either slaughter them for their meat or sell them to marine parks. Also in Japan they hunt whales as well. I know these hunts have been going on for years in Japan but I find it not right for these amazing creatures to be killed. Well in general I don’t like the idea of any animal to be hunted down especially to turn them into merchandise.
One of my contemporary issue that I feel needs more attention towards is animals that pet shops sell. Most of the puppies and kittens that are sold within these shops are sick and/or injured. They are kept in unsanitary conditions and do not get the proper veterinary treatment. It’s even worse knowing the fact that the puppies are brought from mills that are notorious for their cramped, filthy conditions and for their continuous breeding of unhealthy and hard-to-socialize animals. This article from PETA also includes most of the small pets that are seen in pet stores such as birds, rabbits and other small animals comes from mills as well. Most of the time I only hear about puppy mills but now I learned that more animals are brought in the terrible conditions. I want to bring more awareness to this issue because these animals are just being treated as merchandise and being exposed to terrible conditions.
This illustration from Dante’s Inferno was illustrated by Gustave Dore. He uses value to make the center a big focal point. By getting progressively darker away from the middle of the page it leaves an empty space in the middle. Also I think it shows the gray-scale as it shows various levels of value. It’s like the middle is drawing you in the light with the edges of the page being in shadow.The way everything is moving towards the light can give of a sense of curiosity to see what’s so attracting about that light.
When I was little the number one thing I loved before playing video games was watching cartoons. For me, Cartoon Network was always on my T.V. playing shows like The Powerpuff Girls, Ed Edd n Eddy and Courage the Cowardly Dog. I would watch so much cartoons that I started to draw them and it made me happy. As I got older my drawings vastly improved and I started to draw other stuff that I liked such as animals, skulls and flowers. I recently had an interest in drawing letters in a pretty way since I think my handwriting sucks. Now I enjoy experimenting new ways of drawing to see what else I’m capable of creating. Having something new to draw is fun and it is a skill that I want to keep on developing.
Except for the illustration in the lower left corner,these illustrations were showcased in the Society of Illustrators. I love Japanese art and these pieces by Yuko Shimizu quickly caught my eye. It is inspiring to see how hard work pays off because the result of pieces must’ve took a lot of time. The intricate details with in these figures are my favorite part and the fact that this was done in ink which you can’t erase is amazing.The pieces are part of series called Tale of Shikanoko and the author of the series is Lian Hearn. The client is Farrar Strauss & Giroux and the art director is Alex Merto.
In an interview with FSG Work in progress Yuko Shimizu said “They are all ink drawings with brush on paper. No digital work, other than how the colored sections are separated from the rest of the drawing”. When finding an illustrator for the series Merto said “Yuko came to mind as soon as I started reading these stories. Her illustration style pairs perfectly with Lian Hearn’s writing because it blends traditional Japanese style with surrealism. That’s what we were aiming for with the design of this series”.
Yuko Shimizu is known as one of “100 Japanese People The World Respects” by Newsweek Japan in 2009. She has worked for many clients in advertising, editorial and publishing. With clients such as Rolling Stones, Nike, DC Comics, Esquire and many more she has quite the resume. Not only has she won awards in the Society of Illustrators but she also won awards from places like the Society of Publication Designers, Art Directors Club of New York and Association of Illustration. I can’t wait to see what else she brings to the world through her vision.