After doing research about artist Goni Montes, I notice that all of his artwork shows the use of incredible digital color. Goni Montes was born in Ponce, Puerto Rico. His rendition of “Tamiel, Angel of the Unseen”, which rename as “Tamiel, The Sight Unseen” grab my attention when I visit the Society of Illustrators’ annual show. I love the use of color and the perspective. I went on search the old version for this piece of artwork, I notice that he improve the color and change the perspective of the angel, it come out much better compare to the old one. The old version of this piece of artwork was specific for Peter Mohrbacher’s project name: Angelarium. Peter Mohrbacher had worked on this project back in 2005. The main purpose of this project was to defines the ideas of the surreal angelic figure. I went to visit this website and I saw all of the angel’s figures seems abstract which was very interesting for me to see. I admire the creativity of all the artist that work on this website because I had a lack of imagination. Angel was an inexistence figure when we said angel, the first image that pops out in our mind was a yellow ring on top of the head, big wing, and friendly face. But in the project Angelarium, the artist create a lot of abstract figure for the angel, some looks like a devil and some don’t even have a facial expression. They push themselves out if their comfort zone and design the creature that they call as “Angel”. Unfortunately, I didn’t find much about the working process of this project but I’m sure Goni Montes was very good on the use of digital color because the color grabs my attention first. Although it was a printout, the color was ablaze.
VERY good research and analysis! Good job noticing the places i the process of this piece where elements of the design changed. Are there tools Goni Montes uses you could see applying to your own work?