Response to Jillian Tamaki

I’d have to say the one strategy that she uses for concept generation that relates to me the most is Step 3: Taking the source content seriously. I have to say that this one immediately reminded me of myself because my working process is pretty much the same way as she describes this step. If I am trying to come up with an idea or concept I would look at an image or a reading or something for a while and try to observe the smaller details and just let everything sink in over the next few hours while trying to come up with something unique. I also if I have the opportunity to would like to research and dive into as much detail and know as much as possible about what I just observed so I can know all the who? what? when? where? and why? so I can have a better idea of what the creator of the source material was thinking but it can also help me create my own ideas or inspirations as well.

Reading responses week two

How Next-Level Design Is Driving the Beer World
It’s interesting that more and then ones artist working and collaborating on a particular design label. By designing with different artist draws out the viewer attention to see an design that was made differently from the original or different idea. But over 4,000 Brewing Company competiting together with there design is a tough competition.

Reading 2: Jillian Tamaki on Idea generation
The strategy I like was Collect That Media because I attend to like some that might fit into my drawing or just to use for fun and draw it. So I attend to memorize it instead of taking a photo of it to save for later. So using collect that media helps me to photos that I like and save it for later use and try to draw it out or make my own in there style.


Jillian Tamaki’s Idea Generation response

I normally collect media that I am interested in, I have folders on my hard drive and use websites such as Pinterest to collect images of things I like. I also like to take source material seriously. I try to read the original book or view the original work to see what the creator had in mind. While reading a book I tend to become focused on certain concepts and then collect images on it. I like the idea of staying true to source content, even if some changes are made.

Week 3 Sketches

MORE Studies from Reference towards FINAL ILLUSTRATION

Fill your 4 pages by drawing careful studies design elements that factor into your final art. For each of you this will be different. The important part here is that you SKETCH FROM REFERENCE.  For each design element try several sketches and points of view.  Consider these studies towards the final art piece.


Just a reminder, here are your Sketchbook Requirements : 

For this course students are required to keep an ongoing sketchbook which will be utilized a minimum of 1 hour, 30 min per page, for a total of 4 timed sketchbook pages per week.

  • Students can not to tear out pages and pages must be dated. Students may of course draw MORE than the required 4 pages. Sketchbooks will be reviewed weekly as part of peer critique.
  • This Sketchbook will have the specific purpose of being a PROCESS journal.