Society of Illustrators

In the trip of Society of Illustrators, I love about GREG MANCHESS’s work: Above the Timberline.  First of all, the frozen environment was really caught my eyes.  The color and the animals look really “real”.  When you come to a close up look, the color might be a little confuses you; however, I love the way how he use the color as contrast with shadowing and lighting to show the whole subject.

Gregory Manchess was An award-wining painter, and he is an experienced illustrator for almost 40 years on advertising campaigns, magazines, and book covers.  For this book, it’s a novel about a son of a framed polar explorer looking for his missing father in a snow and frozen world.  The whole process was around 16 drafts, hundreds of loose thumbnail sketches and infinity time of researching, writing and daydreaming; for 6 years. It’s more than 120 full-page illustrations, but all go together as one single story. Manchess said, “I was simply interested in a guy and his polar bear companions. I was searching for a visual moment that gave the viewer just enough information to wonder about his character.  A moment to give a viewer something to reflect on.  Maybe a little agitation amongst the bears would give them some character, too. I hadn’t realized that I was building an adventure that eventually went beyond the original painting.”

One thing he mentioned about is really touch my heart, “To find my story, I would sketch each day to figure out what he was doing.  I found his story through the pictures.  It was an endlessly enjoyable process.  It never got burdensome.”  I think that’s why he keep looking for all the researches, doing all those 16 drafts, just to make sure he can get the realistic looking and a “true” story. At the day we met, he encouraged me to keep drawing , I think it’s  a good push for me.

Field Trip: Society of Illustrators

A few things that I like about Orson B. Lowell. 1) he knows how to get your attention. 2) his technique of presenting satire throughout his compositions have been successful. In his illustration, “Drunken Man Speaking to Table” where he demonstrates the drunken state of the man. The legs of the table and chairs are seen a bit wobbly just like the man’s to present how drunk he is. The anomaly of Lowell’s illustrations can really catch your eye.

Another work of Lowell I’d like to talk about is his illustration, “Poor Old Thing! Strange That His Case Has Never Been Correctly Diagnosed.” Despite the long title this is a very powerful cartoon expressing how women have desired a meaningful career throughout the world where man had viewed their choices as pointless and stupid. The woman with the graduation cap and gown is feeding the man (Earth) with pills that may change his views on equality. This is a very deep illustration and again, Lowell has succeeded.

Gregory Manchess And Above the Timberline


Gregory Manchess is a famous Oil painter in New York that has created this beautiful painting that stood out for me called “Above the Timberline”. This painting is for a Visual novel that Gregory Manchess has worked on for 7 preparing, painting, and writing for. The thing that stood out of me the Most for this Painting is how the lighting is used to focus on the man leading the polar bears through the mountain because its something that I aspire to do as an artist. Another thing that drew me towards his work is the choice of colors he used which is something I need to work on a lot and since I heard that you mentioned him doing a drawing in many different ways that makes me even more determined to reach his level of color and drawing. Another thing that makes me love his artwork is how the light reflects off of some of the objects like the leather material on that man’s head showing off the texture of it as well. Gregory Manchess makes me want to draw something very awesome but I will need a lot of time for that.


Sep 26 | Week 4

DUE Project 1 part 3 final pencils, due with Peer critique.

Lecture: Intro to Value

NEW Project 2 Object Staging, part 1 – Brainstorm & Thumbs ( use sterling hundley Ideation method) & research (at first no thumbs but free sketch on subject matter in sketchbook – THEN 20 THUMBS)

Exercise 1: VALUE SCALE & Rendered Form in Value, & 3 VALUE STUDIES : begin work in class

Exercise 2 : Ink Objects (part 1: pencil sketches only no ink yet!)


 Oct 3 | Week 5

Lecture: Intro to Ink

Exercise 2 : Ink Objects part 2: INK Textures

Exercise 3: Ink Doodle Value Swatches:  begin work in class

NEW Project 2, part 2 – Concept sketches

DUE Project 2 part 1 research & 20 thumbnail due with Peer critique.

Introduce Midterm Project – inked Illustration

Exercise 4 : Ink Washes (TAKE HOME)

Exercise 3 : Ink Objects


Oct 10 | Week 6

FEILD TRIP to New York Society of Illustrators

DUE Project 2, part 2 – Concept sketches posted to OPEN LAB

EX 1, 2 , 3, 4 on posted on openlab

NEW Project 2, Part 3 FINAL Sketches due with Peer critique.


Oct 17 | Week 7

Due Project 2, Part 3 FINAL Sketches due with Peer critique.

Work in Class on MIDTERM PROJECT  *Students must bring to class the illustration they wish to use for the final and 3 value studies!

Oct 24 | Week 8 MIDTERM DUE

IN class Presentations of MIDTERM Project & Illustration PROCESS

NEW Project 3 Editorial Introduced

Oct 31 | Week 9

DUE: Project 3, part 1 – Research.

NEW: Project 3, part 2 – concept sketches DUE (Thumbnails uploaded for approval).

Nov 07 | Week 10

DUE: Project 3, part 2 – concept sketches.

Lecture / Work in Class:  Digital Coloring.

Exercises: digital-painting-101-the-complete-guide: 5 Lessons

NEW: Project 3 FINAL Pencil, Values, and Color Palate.  (Upload work in progress for approval.)

Nov 14 | Week 11

DUE: Project 3 FINAL Pencil, Values, and Color Palate.  (Upload work in progress for approval.)

Introduce Project 4- Narrative Illustration

NEW: Project 3 FINAL Art.


NEW: Project 4 : Concept Art & Final Project Assigned.

Proposal  for Final Project: Narrative Illustration DUE Nov 28


Nov 21 NO CLASS Happy Thanksgiving!


Nov 28 | Week 12

DUE: Project 3 FINAL Art.

DUE: Narrative Illustration Proposal

NEW: Project 4- Narrative Illustration Character Design & Concept Art  Rough Sketches


Dec 5 | Week 13

DUE: Project 4 – Narrative Illustration Character Design & Concept Art  Rough Sketches

NEW : Thumbnails for Final Project Narrative Illustration (Get Openlab approval for MORE WORKING TIME!)


Dec 12 | Week 14

DUE: Project 4 – Narrative Illustration Character Design & Concept Art  Rough Sketches

DUE: Thumbnails for Final Project Narrative Illustration.

NEW: Concept Sketches and FINAL for Final Project.



Dec19 | Week 15

Final Project due. Peer Critique

Trip Assignment at the Society of Illustrators 10/10


Society of Illustrators

128 East 63rd Street (between Park and Lexington Avenues)
New York, NY 10065           


WHILE IN THE MUSEUM: Take notes and photograph images. Write a short blog post about one illustration from the exhibition that you found particularly interesting. Research the artist and the subject. Learn as much as you can about the working process.

Describe what interested you about this piece in a few short, well written paragraphs, (200 – 300 words.) Consider the illustration’s context, what you’ve learned through your research about the illustrator, as well as their use of media, subject matter, and technique – in addition to your personal opinion.

Submit it along with a photograph of the art work and its creator, to our OPENLAB site.

Add it to the Field Trip Discussion Post.