Trip to Society of Illustrators

On this particular trip, I was able to come into contact with the work of Orson B. Lowell titles ,”Poor old Thing! Strange That His Case Has Never Been Correctly Diagnosed”. Its first publication had occured in Life Magazine on June 27th, 1907 and its republication in ,”Men , Women and Mirth” Life Publishing company, 1909. In this particular illustration it is shown on the old man’s head the continents of the world and that represents how the world viewed the females education during that time. It is also shown that the female in the illustration isn’t about to give the old man a pill proving or showing them that they have not yet adjusted to the new roles that women have acquired. Research conducted had shown that in the 19th century female started to abandon the typical womanly duties such as mother Lee things and house rules and started to pursue law and Medicine. Also during that time a lot of drugs that were ineffective or evening potentially dangerous to one’s health we’re being distributed to the General Public. And these drugs were even patent. Lowell was trying to convey that also within this particular cartoon. Airplane shows that in this particular illustration that Lowell paid close attention to detail. The amount of fixing things that were used to display contrast as well as the different that went into every tiny detail especially the continents on the old man’s head. Even the women’s dress has an amazing amount of of detail taking into consideration the careful miss that is needed in order to display the curves and the ripples in the dresses of that time.

Examples of Midterm Projects and Process Books

Hello Class-

Here are some successful examples of Final Inked Illustrations and their Accompanying Process Books.


Dana Moreno – DanaMoreno_Midterm_Processbook

brandy ortiz – Brandy’s process book

amir tamang – atamang_processbook

Field Trip: Society of Illustrators

I choose this picture illustrated by Brian Elig. The thing that caught my eye in this Illustration was the amount of detail that the artist put in. The tall grasses and the animals were just so amazingly drawn that I just couldn’t believe it. The time and effort the artist put into this work just amazes me. I love how the animals look they donā€™t look like any ordinary animals. They almost look like monsters and the fact that the artist chose to draw them this way is probably do to the fact that this woman is trapped on an island with a bunch of wild beast. The women probably sees the animals as beast that she must fight off. I on the other hand would definitively see these animals like beast because they are so big. I love how the artist chose to draw from the women’s point of view.

I also found out that this illustrator created a whole story on this women and how she woke up on this mysterious looking island and how she started to learn how to survive on this island all by herself.

Society of Illustrators

Nicole Harripersad

COMD 2313

Prof Sara Wooley

October 17th, 2017


Society of Illustrators


Last week on October 10th, 2017 I went on a class field trip to the Society of Illustrators. When it comes to certain museums I donā€™t partake in a lot of interest in the pieces. But, this museum was a lot different than the Museum of natural history. I enjoyed this trip very much because of the artwork was shown, the different styles that were presented, and what tools, pens, paints, and other mixed media used.Ā  One certain piece that I really enjoyed personally was a harry potter illustration because it looks like the poster I would buy from a store.

The main piece I enjoyed from the Society of Illustrators was a drawing that was Illustrated by Charles Dana Gibson titled ā€œAt the Recitalā€, which was apart of the ā€œFashion and Satireā€ gallery. The illustration was a story about a couple, blessed with gorgeous beauty and handsomeness, who has generated mixed emotions to the people in a recital/ party by showing their love and affections towards the public. Showing this towards of attention in public has created a distraction for the guests at the recital. I guess in my point of view, relationships were supposed to keep more in private between lovers than showing it outside in public where it makes people feel distracted, jealous, or in disgust.


Now I would like to take my time and discuss more on the artist who created this lovely piece. Charles Dana Gibson. Gibson was born into a wealthy family from Roxbury, New England, then a suburb of Boston. He was very interested in art as a boy while watching his father cut silhouettes for art. This then has sparked Charles to start cutting out silhouettes himself at the age of 8 years old, by the time Gibson was twelve, he was selling his silhouettes at various art exhibitions. When he was 14 years old, and with the help through family connections, Charles was chosen to be an apprentice to a sculptor known as Augustus Saint-Gaudens. After a year in Saint-Gaudens studio, he decided that sculpting was not his main interest and he went to use pen and ink. His parents, recognizing his artistic talent, enrolled Charles in the Art Students League. In 1885, due to an unplanned family financial hardship, he left the school at 18 years old to start his own career. Gibsonā€™s best piece during his years was when he started drawing ‘The Gibson Girl’ and later featured her in his first full independent portfolio in 1894. She became known as an ideal image of the youthful American femininity: athletic, smart, stylish, and desirable, and she sold magazines. In fact, whole fashion lines were started when Gibson placed a ribbon on her forehead or a certain style dress on her tall fit figure. And then around 1917, after Gibson and other various artists formed the Society of Illustrators.

Charles, later on, retired at the age of 65, and he continued with art and decided to start oil painting and attempt into portraits. The American Academy of Arts has exhibited his paintings. The people of the world had long assumed that pen and ink were just only his main tools, but later on, the public has started to forget him, his technique, and The Gibson Girl that sold millions. In 1944 in the fall, Charles Dana Gibson suffered a heart attack. Then President Franklin D. Roosevelt requested Gibson to be flown on a Navy seaplane to New York to get immediate, where he died a few weeks later.

I really appreciated Charles Dana Gibsonā€™s work because he knew the classic Pen and Ink would always be the way to sell his work and to be shown all around the world. His works were classical and inspirational, and it makes me want to continue with using pen and ink myself.

Field Trip: Society of Illustrator

One of Orson B Lowell picture stood out to me was the Drunken man speaking to table because of how he catches the view attention of how drunk this person was. He represented the spiral on a man’s leg and table to show how drunk he was, and how it looked from his eyes. When I first saw this picture without looking at the description, I was like, what’s going on the here and why his leg looked like it was broken or rubber. But it’s interesting how he Incorporated the spirals to the man leg table to represent the drunkenness the man was.