Project 4 Proposal

Proposal 1:

Story: The Boy Who Cries Wolf

Proposal: In this version of the story The Boy Who Cries Wolf, goes around town trying to warn people of wolves that are coming to cause chaos and destroy the town. However the boy notices that nobody seems to be paying attention and are acting like the boy isn’t even there warning them. It turns out that the boy is actually ghost that has been killed by wolves long ago. The boy does not realize this until the last minute when the wolves show up to wreck everything and things turn out for the worst.


Project 4 Proposal

Original story: The Little Match Girl

1. Europe little town/ Black Death Period / puppet , curse setting
The setting of the “The Little Match Girl” is going to be evil side. Instead of human, people in this story are puppets. The little girl is a looping curse that happens every three years, and the curse will look like one of the kids who died from the previous curse. Every time the curse lights a fire, 2-3 kids will die until “she” finishes all boxes of her matches. Meanwhile she lights up a fire, she saw herself in the light; who is the goodness and mercy of her and tries to stop her. When her matches are done, the curse for this year is done too. Then “she” will disappear, and three years later, the curse will be back and looks as a “kid” who dies this year.

2. Western City / Modern day/ Haunted game theme
This setting will be haunted game theme. The little match girl is the one of the people alive in the town. She has to find out who is the other one; however, she has to light up a fire through her limited matches to get hits to find the other survivor. However, the ghosts are very sensitive for lights, so she will be chasing every time she lights up.

After discussion with Prof, I think I will go for the first one.

Anderley’s Narrative propasal

Story: Little Red Riding hood

Genre: action fighting

Setting: Vikings/celtic Ireland

Rated M for Mature

Summary: Little red riding hood is the most loved girl as always but in this story she will not be so gullible since her eyes are set on Vallhalla and Odins glory! She has been given a task to do by the All Father and she strictly must do it for her clan without any delay. She must go help her ill elder as she fights through hordes of savage and foul wolves ready to take her life, but this time shes not a sweet gullible little girl shes a warrior ready to die and go to the mead halls of Valhalla! This will be her bloodiest tale. Continue reading

Project 4: Proposal

Story: Snow White

Genre: Adventure

Setting: long time ago

In my story, “Snow White” and seven dwarves are pirates,

and she is their leader. They float on the seas and rob rich ships,

but they do it not for wealth, but for adventure and for helping poor people.

In this amazing journey, she and her team of gnomes trying to find a magic

apple tree whose fruits give eternal youth and health.

Project 4 proposal

Story: Aladdin

Genre: Pirate Era/History

Audience: Everyone

Setting: 1693-1740

Summary: Aladdin a low time Thief with no one by his side. He receive word of an treasure map in town which will lead riches. Aladdin up to his own trickery, steals the map. In his mind this treasure could change his life forever.


Proposal 2

Story: Aladdin

Genre: Sci fi

Audience: PG 13

Settings: Dystopian Future

Summary:  In place where only the strong survive. Jax “Aladdin” Murphy a man of many skills. One of which is an knack of pissing off the wrong people. Until he crosses a man he wish he never had, when he steal his prize possession.



Project 4: Proposals

Story: Snow White

Proposal 1:


Setting: A Long time ago

I made Snow white the same beautiful girl she has always been but I made her go crazy. Snow was a average normal nice princess till she meet a evil dwarf. The dwarf tricks snow into killing her parents. Snow ends up opening her eyes to see her dead parents and loses it. She goes crazy and kills the dwarf. The story ends with snow sitting on the throne covered in blood.This story is directed towards a much older audience.

Proposal 2:

Genre:Comedy/ Romance/ Gender Bender

Setting:Modern Day

I made this story where Snow White is a man who is beautiful and is often mistaken as a women and confessed to daily. Snow’s father is a company president. There is a girl who is jealous of Snow. She is jealous because even though Snow is a man everyone still compliments him and is always praising him. She sets out to destroy Snow’s fathers company.