

Welcome to Foundations Drawing!

Our goal in this course will be to give you the tools and confidence you need to draw accurately from life!  During the first few weeks of this course our aim will be to help you examine how you perceive the world and to develop our observational skills.


On this site you will have access to materials presented in class, your weekly assignment pages, and additional helpful resources.  Here you will also post your assignment images to share with your classmates.  Carefully read the directions in the UPLOADING INSTRUCTIONS POST on how to post to this site and to your ePortfolio.

— Happy Drawing!

Final Project and Museum Tour instructions.


Hello class-

We will enter museum together and from that point can split into groups based on interest.

Looking at the museum map- choose 3 different galleries to visit in your 3 hour trip. Take the time in each gallery to view the work, and read the information written about the work. Then shoot reference photos to prepare yourself for drawing your final project at home.

Remember your final project is a drawing of a location of your choice using perspective, a full range of value, as well as all of the skills we learned in class. This drawing must be on the strathmore drawing paper and should have a nice clean border.  It should be drawn at your highest level of finish.

Take time in each gallery to plan your composition. Take photos of all the details you plan to draw.

Finally post a photo of yourself in location you will be drawing along with a quick sketch ( approximately 4″x5″) of your composition, and write a short blog post explaining why you chose that location, to OPENLAB.

This is due for review by the morning 12/ 7, 9 am latest.

Be sure to bring your reference photos and work in progress to class on 12/7.



Field Trip To the Metropolitan Museum of Art


On Thursday November 30th we will meet during normal class hours 2:30- 5:50 at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Please be prepared to sketch on site as well as take pictures to be used as reference materials for your final project.  Please look at the Metropolitan Museum of Art website before we go and familiarize yourself with their collection.  If there are particular ares of interest for you PLEASE reply to this post so that we can be sure to visit them!

The Met is located between 79th and 83rd streets on 5th Avenue in Manhattan.  Take the 4,5,or 6 trains to 72nd street and its a 10-15 minute walk from the station.

We will meet at the Educational Entrance (81st entrance) to the LEFT of the main staircase. We will be meeting inside at 2:30 pm, just past the coat check.

This should be obvious but… DON’T check your sketchbooks and pencils! 

Updated Syllabus


9-Nov | Week 11 Cylinders in Perspective & One Point Perspective Review

DUE: Assignment 9 with Peer critique.

NEW: Assignment 10: Cylinders in Perspective

16-Nov | Week 12 Two Point Perspective & Objects and Patterns in Perspective.

Working from Reference In-Depth discussion of Final Project.

DUE: Assignment 10 with Peer critique.

NEW: Assignment 11: Detailed Two Point Perspective drawing filled with Objects and patterns in Perspective

NEW: Take home Quiz:

Ch 5 the illusion of Depth 

Upload Projects and Self Critique sheet to Week 11 Sketches.





30-Nov | Week 13 Field Trip To Metropolitan Museum of Art

Practice More objects and Patterns in Perspective.

DUE: Assignment 10 – Post to eportfolio

NEW : Student Proposal of of Final Project.


7-Dec | Week 14 : Final Portfolio & Sketchbook Review* Studio Session for FInal Drawing

DUE: Final Portfolio & Sketchbook NEW: NONE. WORK ON YOUR FINAL PROJECT!

12/14 | Week 15 : Presentations of Final Project Drawings Due

Two Point Perspective

Hello Class!  Welcome to the exciting world of TWO POINT PERSPECTIVE!



One Point Perspective or Parallel Perspective point perspective works well for situations like the one below, where the viewer is oriented directly in front of a set of parallel lines like railroad tracks or a long hallway.



But what if you want to show the viewer something from an angle?



Two point perspective uses two vanishing points set well apart on the horizon line. The rule of thumbs here is sets of parallel lines must be either vertical or recede toward one of the two vanishing points.

READ CHAPTER 5 of Creative layout for Artists to learn more!



AND … Here are a couple of additional tutorials to get you started!

Happy Drawing!

AND a slightly more advanced one…

Assignment 11

Time Machine Assignment! 

Using the methods we learned in class, draw a city scene of the PAST or the FUTURE in two-point perspective. Use reference images from the internet to help you fill in architectural details or inspire your ideas.



Remember to always begin with the HORIZON LINE… then frame the composition… then establish your the VANISHING POINTS.  Keep in mind your VANISHING POINTS DO NOT NEED TO BE WITHIN THE PICTURE PLANE.

Also be sure to do the reading CHAPTER 5 of creative perspective … its in the post below! 

Here is an example of a City in two point perspective, similar to your homework assignment.  Feel free to use reference images and imagination to draw your city of the past or future!



For morse helpful hints read watch the videos in the post below!

  • USE Your RULER, PENCIL, CHARCOAL PENCILS, and your 18 x 24 DRAWING PAPER for this Assignment.
  • Be sure to have a full range of value in your drawing.
  • Tape off your composition with Artist’s Tape.
  • Be to use ALL the skills you’ve learned to lend a sense of realism and create depth..
  • Draw this composition at your highest level of skill!


Tip: SPRAY the drawing with Aerosol Hairspray or Workable Fixatiff Spray when complete so they don’t smudge!


Hello Class-


As we spoke about in class last Thursday this week, you’ll be taking your Midterm, and I will be grading your sketchbooks.

10/19 Midterm Exam:

Your Midterm consists of a Written and a Drawn Portion.  The Written Portion we reviewed for during class.  To prepare you should review all of the previous CLASS WORK, here on Openlab.

The Drawn Portion is one still life drawing, created in the same way as you have done in previous weeks of class, drawn to the best of your ability.

10/19 Midterm Sketchbook Review:

Be sure you have completed all previous weeks’ sketchbook prompts and feel free to include additional sketches.

10/26 Midterm Portfolio:

I’m you all giving one additional week to assemble the Mid Term Portfolio.  It may include any drawings from class, additional outside of class drawings, and and Homework Assignments. (*You may also include sketches from your sketchbook, but you’d need to scan them and print them nicely to include them prior to me collecting your sketchbooks for grading on Thursday. )

Include 5 -7 of your best drawings for review.  Go with quality over quantity.  Be sure the work looks neat – presentation counts! Be sure your work is presented in a portfolio of some kind, here is one option, go with something economic.  Be sure your name is on your portfolio.


Hello class-

This “quiz” is really a packet of work you are responsible to do in your sketchbooks by the next class.  You will not have to do your sketchbook pages this week.  If you are behind in your sketchbook… NOW is a good time to catchup!

Read the whole packet.  Do Projects 1 A – 1 F in your sketchbook.  Turn in your sketchbooks next week for review along with your SELF CRITIQUE page at the beginning of class.


CH 1 the drawing process

Self Critique Sheet

Uploading Instructions


Upload photographs of your Sketchbook from this semester in the Sketchbook Category on this site.


Be sure to give the drawings a title.  On our class site, title your drawing with the week and the theme (if one was given).  Write brief descriptions of the drawings in your post.  Your descriptions should include what you feel the aim of each drawing was, what you learned from making it, and what was challenging to do.  Of course you may write other comments as well. For instance, you may ask questions for other students to answer.

How to Post to our class: On this class site, go to Post located on the left > Give your drawing a title in the subject line like this: Sketchbook Week 1, contour drawing: “My Converse Sneakers” > Write a brief description of the drawing in the Comments space > Just above your title click on the Add Media icon (it looks like a camera on top of a music note) and browse for your file > Click Insert > Click Drawings in the list of Categories on the right > Click Publish at the top right.

Your description should include what you feel the aim of the drawing was, what you learned from making it, and what was challenging to do.  Of course you may include other thoughts as well.

For Midterm and Finals your Assignments should be loaded into your Eportfolio for grading.  

How to Post to your ePortfolio:  Go to Dashboard > New Page > Pages > Add New > Locate “Parent” in the Page Attributes > choose “Academics” from the pull-down menu. In the Title area of your ePortfolio, be sure to write the name of our class (Foundation Drawing) or our course code (COMD1103).  Also be sure to Publish, and invite me to join your ePortfolio.  In settings, be sure to state either “Public” or “Private>visible to City Tech members.”  Otherwise no one will be able to see what you’ve posted.

How to take the photo, find a spot with even light so that you will have no shadows or strange light gradations across the drawing.  Frame the drawing so there is a small even frame on all sides.  Optimize the file, or reduce it to 72 dpi, with a file size no more than 1MB (about 8-9 inches on one side). Rotate it if necessary to it uploads right-side-up. If you have access to any photo-correcting program, see if you can increase the contrast so that delicate drawing lines are visible.