So, we’ve talked to Student Life, and we have a lot more accurate information to convey.
– Our computer lab room permission is pending, best case scenario, we have it by the middle of September.
– Club funding is a little funky since it’s the beginning of the Fall semester. We are unsure when we will get funding, most likely end of October, possibly beginning of November. We are also unsure how much money we will receive, but it’s probably going to be around $500-1,000. Most of the funding will be used to purchase amenities and used in prize pools for game jams and events!
– We WILL have a booth on September 7th (Club Day if you’re unaware), so if you’re going to be there, stop by! We’d appreciate the free publicity :D.
I want to talk more about the future and what to expect with the club! We are going to continue operations AFTER we get our computer lab, so for the time being, let me just describe everything we have planned out in detail.
– We are going to be using Godot as our game engine of choice, most likely 3.5.2 since there are more accurate tutorials to help people get started on their journey! We can move on to the newest version, 4.1, once everyone is acclimated to coding and using the interface.
– We are going to have interactive online tutorials to follow, as well as showing you in-person. We’ll help clarify any issues you have and try our best to guide you.
– We are going to try and make all of the work (at least in the beginning) in-person during club hours, so you have your time to do classwork and study, while also having some time to focus on game development.
– We are going to be using GitHub to house all of our files in order to have a “paper-trail” of everyone’s development. It’s also a lot easier for storing stuff.
– We are going to be hosting in-house game-jams to promote learning. We hope to have some prizes as said before.
– We are going to be communicating with the Bronx Gaming Network, which hosts external events and showcases interesting projects.
Look forward to more updates regarding club, like when we’re going to start meetings and whatnot!