Wizz Wonders Meeting #2!

Here is the tutorial we will be following! Make sure to download the assets below.https://kenney.nl/assets/space-shooter-redux Here’s the slides if you want to follow along:https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1-vrWOJVCEXzfc5vy-DNGr089PJ8iSnCKnyldN-5BjXQ/edit?usp=sharing

Wizz Wonders Meeting #1!

Here’s the links to the programs/websites we’ll be using!Godot (Make sure to download 4.1):https://godotengine.org/ GitHub:https://github.com/ Itch.io:https://itch.io/ Here’s the slides!https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1-vrWOJVCEXzfc5vy-DNGr089PJ8iSnCKnyldN-5BjXQ/edit?usp=sharing

We have our club room!

Hello everyone! I’m happy to say that we’ve gotten our club room! It’s in the Voorhees Building; Room V119. We have the room reserved for both MONDAY and THURSDAY 12:45 to 2:15p.m. Preferably, we want to start our meetings THIS week Thursday, so try and attend if you can! I know it’s a little last … Read more

Update #2!

Wow, there’s a lot of new people! Welcome! I want to make sure that we know who everyone is, so please fill out the Wizz Wonders membership google form if you plan on participating!https://forms.gle/8iSaHKrciLwWuJRU7 And I also have a coding survey just to take a poll of everyone’s knowledge regarding code. There’s a small web … Read more