We have our club room!

Hello everyone! I’m happy to say that we’ve gotten our club room! It’s in the Voorhees Building; Room V119. We have the room reserved for both MONDAY and THURSDAY 12:45 to 2:15p.m. Preferably, we want to start our meetings THIS week Thursday, so try and attend if you can! I know it’s a little last … Read more

Update #2!

Wow, there’s a lot of new people! Welcome! I want to make sure that we know who everyone is, so please fill out the Wizz Wonders membership google form if you plan on participating!https://forms.gle/8iSaHKrciLwWuJRU7 And I also have a coding survey just to take a poll of everyone’s knowledge regarding code. There’s a small web … Read more


Hello! So, we’ve talked to Student Life, and we have a lot more accurate information to convey. – Our computer lab room permission is pending, best case scenario, we have it by the middle of September. – Club funding is a little funky since it’s the beginning of the Fall semester. We are unsure when … Read more


Greetings to all old and new! This is going to be an additional location where we will post all of our projects, announcements, among other things. The main objective of using OpenLab is to allow participants of the club to easily publish their work to a portfolio. This way, students involved in the club can … Read more