Blog#1 Question#1

1. Audre Lorde wrote “Age, Race, Class, and Sex” in 1980 partially to address racism within thefeminist movement, and in it she uses strong language about racial oppression, sexism, ageism, andclassism. Which of her points (if any) seem relevant in your life today? Which of her points (if any)seem outdated, in your experience?

Well I do think that sexism is quite strong in today’s society. I seen that many women don’t get paid the same as men do, I think it’s not fair that in 21st century  we still have men thinking that today’s woman is not capable of surpassing their abilities. And hey I don’t blame them sometimes; because women in today’s society is strongly seen as a sexual symbol in videos, movies etc. and they let that happen, like if it was okay to be a sex symbol. In my opinion I think men don’t see women capable of doing what they do becuase they see women as a sexual symbol “tool” and not as a human being that’s able to do what they do.

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3 Responses to Blog#1 Question#1

  1. Rachel says:

    I completely agreed with you regarding women are still receiving minimum wages from their jobs in comparison to men receiving a higher payment. I, for one do think it is wrong due to the fact, both women and men should have an equal payment from their job. I also agreed women presently are being represented as a “sex symbol.” Men tends to think those type of women aren’t very well educated or in other words, dumb, do not respect themselves at all, and can do whatever they want/choose as long as their pretty. Their only opinion they could have as their career, despite the fact they’re uncertain of what else to do with their lives, they undergo being in movies/videos, become models, and other unruly work.

  2. Rocio,
    Why do you think women are “seen as a sexual symbol” today? Do you think our perception of women is something created by society for some reason? If so, what might that reason be?

    • Rocio says:

      Prof. Laura

      I think it’s because now days man and woman don’t have sense of shame and they do it for money. Also because women being almost naked or naked on televison is not taboo anymore as it was back when our parents or grandparents were born. Now days to us is alsmost typical, and most of people find it “cool”. To me society is losing morality.

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