Blog Post #9: Death Note

The text that I will be writing on for Essay 3 is based on a manga/graphic novel. It is called “Death Note” by Ohba Tsugumi. The title itself is pretty much self-explanatory. It is mostly about a notebook and whose name is written onto it, he/she will die. It somehow landed into the human world by a Shinigami (Death God) due to his reasoning, which is boredom. One day, a straight A “Mr. Perfect” student named Yagami Light saw the death notebook landed out of nowhere and picked it up. Strange current of events starts to unfold and change Light’s life.  The Gothic metaphor I will be using is madness/insanity. In “Death Note”, the social issue is Light develops a prolonging obsession madness of bringing justice to those who deserve to die, to be rid from society. He wants to be a God-like figure to those who do wrong and injustice to create a world with no evil. Those who did wrong and/or oppose of him, they will be brought to justice and perish to their execution. Yet, I believe without evil in the society we live in presently, there will be no good. It’s suppose to be at its balance and equality.

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One Response to Blog Post #9: Death Note

  1. This text sounds appropriate. I’d like to hear a bit more about the social issue/anxiety that you will be comparing your Gothic metaphor to. What do you think the madness represents in this text?

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