Question #2

Pecola is an African-American girl (ages 10-13); she is from a lower class family. Pecola doesn’t accept herself instead she hates herself for being black, ugly and she believes that having white skin, blue eyes and blond hair will make her beautiful like Shirley Temple and Mary Jane, therefore everyday she buy this rectangle candy also named Mary Jane because she believe this candy will make her beautiful like them (Shierley Temple and Mary Jane) in each byte she takes. In this novel society label beauty by having white skin, blue eyes, thin body and blonde hair even with the dolls, because that their perfection for beauty . Everyone called Pecola ugly, including her parents, classmate, teacher and society. Example, one day “a group of boys from the same race (balck) were circling and were calling her Black e mo. Black e mo, while she was on in center of the circle”. Many people are not satisfied with their looks, colors, and appearance, Pecola is not the only one with low-self esteem , nowadays so people could feel better with them self  they do plastic surgery; to look thinner body, younger and beautiful, beauty it is really important to society and all of us.

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3 Responses to Question #2

  1. ms.bueno says:

    Yeah, I agree that Pecola has low self-esteem because of what society has portrayed as beautiful, which is the exact opposite of what Pecola looks like. The fact that even her own family doesn’t give her the attention that she needs in order to love herself is what makes it even more difficult for Pecola to accept the way she looks.

  2. clema1992 says:

    I agree that Pecola has low self esteem. It seems that society/media has sculpted the young minds into thinking that beauty can only be achieved by looking a particular way. This seems to be the reason Pecola isn’t happy with herself.

  3. savitri says:

    Yes I agree that pecola suffers from low self-esteem and wishes desperately to become beautiful, she feels unwanted and disgusted by her appearance. She also believes that being granted the blue eyes that she wishes for would change both how others see her and what she is forced to see.

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