Two or Three Things I Know For Sure is a memoir, though it is written from the first-person point of view like the autobiographies we have read before, it differs in the fact that it is a collection of stories, memories or major points of events from the authors life, where as in the previous texts, the authors pretty much summarize or outline their lives in whole. When the author uses the fictional format to present the story, the victimization and direct link to the storyteller are shifted to a fictional protagonist. This can help create a more readable and believable story for people to comprehend, and want to read, as opposed to a factual story of a poor girl from illegitimate birth who was beaten and raped by her father.
Professor Laura Westengard
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good point. i also feel that in a memoir, the events of the story do not necessarily need to flow smoothly, it can be patches of memories with blanks in between like professor Westengard spoke about in class. i got that feeling in the beginging of the book where she was talking about telling stories to her sisters and then telling us about the family tree school assignment and then going on to tell us about her mom’s death.