Monthly Archives: February 2013

Blog post 2 Question 4

I believe David goes to Paris to find himself and get away from everyone and everthing he knows. He really does not know who he is because he does not want to except who he is.  I believe he leaves … Continue reading

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Question #8

Giovanni’s room represents Davids true feelings towards Joey, Giovanni and any man he finds attractive. The room is described by David as “a miserable closet of a room”, where its not complete and no matter how hard Giovanni tries to … Continue reading

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Question 1

As i read Age,Race, Class, and sex: Women Redefining Difference, I noticed that a lot has changed from back then and now. Sexuality now is more “normal” to our age group. Back then a lot of people didn’t accept gays … Continue reading

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5)  I think race play a small part in this book because the book is mostly talking about the gay activities during that time period. The significance of David being white is that fact he can travel to Paris and that … Continue reading

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Question 6 Post 2

Giovanni’s room approaches homosexuality in a very subtle way to me. The novel starts of with the death of Dave’s mother, then moves on to the joey incident, has a bad relation ship with the father, moves to Paris where … Continue reading

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Question 7, Post 2

First, I have to say that I loved the conversation between Jacques and David. I loved how insightful,relevant, universal and honest the conversation Jacques was having with David. I mostly loved that the conversation they were having can be intertwined to many different … Continue reading

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Question 6

The text in Giovanni’s Room approaches homosexuality because in parts of the book David is hooking up with guys. Like when he slept with Joey its obviously a homosexual moment or when he was with Giovanni at the bar and … Continue reading

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Post 1

In “Age, Race, Class, and Sex: Women Redefining Difference” by Audre Lorde (1980), there is one point that really touch me, which is women didn’t had much rights to independence of themselves. Men overseen women as housewives, such as remaining in the household, … Continue reading

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Blog post 1

Reading this article I noticed there were a few points that the author made that can relate to the present. But being the fact that this article was written in 1980’s, much has changed though not completeley vanished. A persons … Continue reading

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Question 7

In my opinion I believe Jacques is trying to give David his perspectives of David’s life.  Jacques is trying to give David another path other than the one David is trying to follow.  Jacques is also trying to tell David … Continue reading

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