Reading this article I noticed there were a few points that the author made that can relate to the present. But being the fact that this article was written in 1980’s, much has changed though not completeley vanished. A persons sexuality and who they choose to be with now a days is more acceptible than it was before, it is not as huge of a problem as it once was made to be. Another is the issue with how women were viewed and what “their place ” was has changed drastically, however sexisim does still exsist. Same goes for racisim. People till this day experience the results of racisim and it is truly sad. In my opinion men will never see women as an equal and thats fine because as long as a woman can see themselves as an equal then thats all that really matters. I dont think these issues will ever go away , but at least it is now easier and accepted for people to express opions and be who they wan
Professor Laura Westengard
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I agree with you, there’s always going to be those people who think about a group in a certain way and as long as that way of thinking is alive groups will always be discriminated against.
I agree with you, these issue will be here forever. Racism and sexism can never be erased because it has been engraved in us since we were born. The fact about sexism being more acceptable only applies in some parts of the U.S. other parts aren’t so fond of the idea. Also in third world countries just being not normal can get you stoned to death. But I also believe if everyone was well-educated and a bit more open, everyone could get along much smoother.