Class Info

  • Class Date: Tuesday may 7



Project 3 : due TODAY will review grids, 4 social media posts- screen shot of all 4 and 1 after effects video of your annoying word. Make sure all files are labeled correctly.


  • Continue Project 3: Edits to Posters and Social Media add a motion component
    • it is important to know that not all effects created in other applications (such as Illustrator, Photoshop, etc) will translate accurately in AFTER EFFECTS
    • YOU CAN USE one of your existing social media posts (from Illustrator) or create a new one in AFTER Effects.


Continue to Evaluate and understand the differences between static type and type that moves.


Text following a path in AFTER EFFECTS

Create a new composition 1080 x 1080 pixels
Go to LAYER> NEW> add a text layer
Enter text (use a few words)
With the TEXT layer SELECTED, go to the square shape tool and create a square. This will create a mask. Place it approximately as shown
Go to your layer and open the little triangle arrow.
You will see the word TEXT> open the little triangle here too.
GO to PATH OPTION > to its right select MASK 1 (that is the square that was just created)
You should now see your text following the square shape. Go to your CHARACTER window and make sure that text goes around the square completely (You can copy and paste text )
Instead of doing keyframes, we will add an expression.
UNDER > PATH OPTIONS, hold the option key and click on the stopwatch.
On the timeline writhe the following expression: time * 300

Let’s examine results

Export as .MOV (Follow instructions from last class)


Place in Dropbox


  • Studio Time and ONE-ON-ONE
    • Make corrections. Edit work
    • Make sure images have sources. Think about all the typographic elements covered in class.

How to bring an Illustrator file into After Effects

Make sure that all components of your design are on a separate layer. Save your illustrator file
In After Effects, drag your Illustrator file as shown or
Go to file IMPORT> and select your Illustrator file
Bring as a composition (this is a variable depending on your project)

You should see your layers. Drag the layers that you will use into the timeline

You can transform elements as shown last class.


COMPLETE your animated type for social media

Create low res .mov


place in Dropbox



Graphic Assignments are always due the day before class at 11:30 pm, and must be placed in class drive (COMD1127 DROP BOX link) unless indicated otherwise. Assignments uploaded during class on the day that they are due are marked as late.

Participation Activities (Scavenger Hunts, Type Talks and Type Challenges) are due during class or the day before class at 11:30 pm if indicated by the instructor.

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