Final Project

For my final project the theme is ā€œDifferent Universesā€ this theme is basically the combination of spiderman and batmanā€™s world together along with villains. What captured my attention into working on this specific theme? Simply itā€™s because I have always been fascinated by superheroes with spiderman and batman up on the list. In this project I used many tools, adjustments filters etc. There were things that I had trouble with such as color adjustment which has always been a problem to me even if I do get the colors right on one picture. Reason behind that is because every picture is different and they will react differently with the color adjustments you make. As a matter of fact, any adjustments you make will be different to different pictures. I did however came across that and made the pictures look better. Another problem is masking, which is also a very common problem especially on characters with hair, because in order to get a really clean layer mask going you will have to sit there for hours just trying to get those imperfections on the picture out. The biggest problem I have and always have had is composition. Such as how am I going to lay this picture out, how will the finished project look? Noting that this theme is based on superheroes the only pictures I can get are the ones that can be found online. So if i wanted batman in a certain pose my only luck would be online if not then too bad for me. This has always been a problem for me when it comes to putting all the images together because as I work on the project different ideas would come and I will change it up sometimes it turns out good, sometimes worse. My success from doing this final project is being able to use a lot of tools as well as thinking. Different filters and how they would work such as motion blur, clouds, lens flare, wind and a lot of different filters. Knowing that I have yet gained the knowledge to use them at their full potential, I have work to catch up on. As I look at this final project and reflect upon all the other ones I have done in the past I can say that in terms of using different tools this has to be the toughest one I have done. Before I never did adjustment layers at all. For this project itā€™s filled with adjustment layers. I can say that some images from this final project can be my best ones I have ever done in photoshop. On a final note I have learned a lot during the course of this class and I know there is still plenty of things for me to learn in photoshop because I havenā€™t even scratched the surface yet. It is a on going learning experience.

A Quite Road Arkham Asylum

Batman Vs Venom 1 Batman Vs Venom 2

Carnage's Appearance Gotham Square

Joker Venom Harley Joker's Fun House

Scarecrow's Nightmare Venoms Bridge

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