Beth Tondreau | COMD1127—D035 | Fall 2023


Photo 01)
I do not think that this sign conveys the idea of fine jewelry. The font used is very bulky and although it does draw attention it is too round and bubbly to be used to bring attention to diamonds and things like that. When you think of diamonds you think of their sleekness and sharp edges and their fine symmetry. This does not bring that point across.

Photo 02)

I had imagined it was some sort of maybe coffee business due to the brown rough texture used on it.

1 Comment

  1. Professor Beth

    Bubbly is a perfect description for Cooper Black, the face used for Larry’s (not) Fine Jewelry. The sign conveys “Larry’s Car Wash” as much as it conveys “fine jewelry.”

    Surprisingly, photo 02 is of a truck for a plumbing and heating company.

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