Beth Tondreau | COMD1127—D035 | Fall 2023


The one poster that stuck out to me the most is the one that says, “You are worthy of days where you can just be.” I believe that the usage of bold lettering for the type works since it attracts the eye. Along with this, it takes up just enough space to suit the colored box that is underneath it.

A second poster that caught my eye is the one that has the multiple writings in it along with drawings as well. Besides the few words that are on the bottom right and side of the left, every other words looks as if it was handwritten which is cool.

A third poster that caught my attention is the one that has a woman on it. Within her face, a portion of it is scribbled off while another portion is being blocked off by white scribbles. The artist definitely made good use of the space as the woman covers almost the whole poster.

1 Comment

  1. Beth (Mary-Elizabeth) Tondreau

    “You are worthy of days where you can just be” is an uplifting slogan for a poster. It’s understandable that so many of you responded positively to it.

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