Beth Tondreau | COMD1127—D035 | Fall 2023


The three posters I chose are very successful in my opinion. The first one I chose is a boy in a chair with a basketball in his hand dribbling it. There is a really good composition and the use of color really diffirentiates the piece and everything flows off of eachother. The second poster I chose was the “Being You Was Always Enough” poster. I chose this because I liked the font used and the creative warped text. I also like the positive message it tries to spread and I myself like being a positive person. The third poster I chose was the “Raise Your Hopes” Poster. Again I really like the positive message it is trying to spread and I really like the simplicity behind it. Its straight to the point but with a strong message and strong use of color.

1 Comment

  1. Beth (Mary-Elizabeth) Tondreau

    Positive and simple are always good attributes.

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