Beth Tondreau | COMD1127—D035 | Fall 2023


Grid video:

The part of the caption that is helpful to me is the part that talks about leaving room to breathe because sometimes it’s hard to know if a certain amount of white space is enough for the composition, it’s an issue that I struggle with more often than not, making it work properly.

Hierarchy video:

The caption segment that says “Don’t forget that SPACE is an element of hierarchy (placement on the grid, line spaces, indents, etc).” is helpful to me again because I sometimes get confused with the spacing and placement of things

Type sizes video:

“Try mixing up the order of small, medium, and large type in your layouts.” is a really simple concept that I somehow haven’t thought of before, watching the video and seeing how much better it looked when not even 3 lines were moved made it a lot better

1 Comment

  1. Beth (Mary-Elizabeth) Tondreau

    So glad the examples helped you consider space and sizes anew.

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