Beth Tondreau | COMD1127—D035 | Fall 2023


In Ellen Lupton’s Grid short video about grids, a line in the caption I found helpful was “Create many columns (6, 8, 9, 12, or more) to allow narrow columns and wide columns to live on a single layout.” Another line, “Leave some room to breathe! Use grids to create structured white space”. I found these helpful because I’ve never considered the creative design and its tidiness of wide and narrow columns on a single page as well and to appreciate the view empty space on a page, instead of filling the page with an overwhelming amount of information.

In Ellen Lupton’s Grid short video about hierarchy, some lines in the caption I found helpful was, “If your type feels mushy, you may have too many sizes and styles. “Gradually introduce variables to separate the parts of the text.” As well as “Change the scale, weight, position, or color of text to reveal the structure.” I found these most helpful because I can definitely improve my use of variety in regards to type, learning how and when to use more than just Heading/ Title, Subheading, and body.

In Ellen Lupton’s Grid short video about grids, a line in the caption I found helpful was “The word “headline” suggests type at the top (or the head) of a page or screen. However, the largest type doesn’t need to be at the top.” as well as “Try mixing up the order of small, medium, and large type in your layouts.” This is helpful to me it shows me I can be more artistic with the my layout as long as it still makes sense, influencing me to work out of the basics and normalities when it comes to design.

1 Comment

  1. Beth (Mary-Elizabeth) Tondreau

    Thoughtful comments. I’m happy to read that Ellen Lupton’s posts are useful to you.

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