Dream in color uses a bold, all cap, sans serif typeface at 2 different sizes to convey its title. And i think it works for what it is the legibility is great w/ the rainbow bg drawing u in but the readability leaves a little to be desired as it can be easy to skip the smaller text which actually explains what the book is.
Extra bold uses extra bold (obviously) all cap, pink sans serif font. which could be seen as a novelty font because of the shaped hole in the o for the title. and bold/roman all lowercase type in black for the description. finishing it off with what looks. like a gray sans serif roman all caps type for the authors names/the credit. they also use i wanna say an offset type for the shadows? which creates the illusion of 3d allity as it looks like the words are coming towards you.
centered is interesting it uses 2 different typefaces starting with an bold all caps title and then a hand lettered type for the rest of the info we can tell that its hand by looking at the repeating letters like the e which while simmliler are obviously not perfect as they shape around the other letters in the word some having shorter lines some thick some thin but most importantly none of them are exactly the same. which i believe works with the book tile because it’s a book about diversity and they type if definitely diverse.
finally we have oubey which is definitely well something. its a cd type face and i find it almost unreadable as i dont think its different enough from the background and its not an english word all of which makes it hard for my brain to realize that there are even letters on the book much less what it says.
I submit, Evangeline, that 1. shows a hierarchy of what’s important even though the smaller type is more of a challenge to see and read. 2. has a 3-D path (not necessarily offset type). For 3., it seems to me you’ve nailed the very concept of the cover. For 4., what do you mean by a “cd typeface”? Oubey was an artist (who, alas, died in a car accident) and the name is German and unknown to us and therefore a challenge—just as it seems Oubey’s art challenged the viewer.