Beth Tondreau | COMD1127—D035 | Fall 2023


Paula Scher’s work intrigued me the most. Her work seems bold and there tends to always be a main subject thats centered in the majority of her work which really brought my attention.

While looking at her work, one in particular (the white background with the guy in the center in a white shirt and black pants), the words surround the subject. However, its not in a “type on a path” format but rather more abstract. It seems to work because the work is not overly condensed. The variations of weight as well as size really also brings attention to certain words, perhaps those that Paula wants viewers to be attracted to. The fonts are san serif typefaces which is very convenient for a work that is going to be PACKED. I definitely dont think her work is unusual because i have seen some work that varies like this. Its very pop art. As i said before, not my favorite, but if it works it works. I think she is for sure selling what she wants to convey . Although, the more i stare at it, it feels a little bland. Maybe its the white as the background? Making it feel like it needs a bit more SPICE.

Paula Scher is considered to be one of the most influential graphic designers in the world. She had began her career as an art director until her approach to typography became influential. She was worked with well known brands in developing identity and branding systems, promotional materials and so much more. During her career, Scher has been recipient of hundreds if industry honors as well as awards and her work has been exhibited all over the world as well as been represented in permanent collections of certain museums

1 Comment

  1. Beth (Mary-Elizabeth) Tondreau

    Your observations prompt me to point out that a lot of what designers can do with type doesn’t necessary spring from an application—especially since Paula Scher has been working for decades and has been a ground-breaker way before we were all working on computers.

    It’s so interesting, Nancy, that one of Scher’s posters seems bland and needs spice (I’m smiling). Good for you for questioning and thinking there could be improvemen. How would you add spice.

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