Beth Tondreau | COMD1127—D035 | Fall 2023


The is a drastic difference that I can see between Courtney Wagasky’s and Timothy Goodman’s perspective of expressive type. Wagasky’s expressive type is strictly just type. it has no color or imagery. It is just the choice of scale and proximity and shape, the overall placements are what make her types expressive. while Goodman’s expressive type is more illustrative, and ingenious. through his hand written fonts are more frisky and refreshing. His work is really modish and innovative.

1 Comment

  1. Beth (Mary-Elizabeth) Tondreau

    Your description of Wagasky’s espressive type compared to Goodman’s lettering is accurately and delightfully put, Zacarah—especially the description of Goodman’s work as frisky and refreshing.

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